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Geoffrey Abreu
60 articles

1/72 Academy P-51B

October 10, 2021 · in Aviation · · 12 · 1.8K

This is the P-51B. I just finished it today. I am trying to get some of the P-51B's in my stash done before the new Arma kit is released.

This aircraft nicknamed "SNAFU", was flown by !st Lt. Clemens A. Feidler. Clemens came to the 4th Fighter Group from Fredericksburg, Texas, on 8 August 1943. He was assigned to the 335th Squadron 4th FG. He had 50 missions completed when on 10 April 1944 his plane was hit by flak while strafing Romorantin Aerodrome, France.
His was streaming black oil and glycol and he attempted to bail out. His wingman watched as he climbed and put his aircraft on its back and then went into a dive. He leveled off for a few seconds and went into another dive with objects flying out of the cockpit. He was then seen hanging halfway out of the cockpit as his plane dove into the ground and he was killed. Clemens was 25 years old.
Lt. Fielder was credited with 5.3 victories and had earned the Air Medal with one Oak Leaf Cluster.

The model is painted with MRP paints and the markings came from a Xtradecal sheet. It is mostly OOB but I did however add PE seatbelts, a instrument panel by Yahu and a Quickboost gunsight..

Reader reactions:
11  Awesome

10 additional images. Click to enlarge.

12 responses

  1. Now there's something to write to home about. What a little jewel Geoffrey. You really brought out the best in this kit. I like the cockpit detail and the painting of the canopy framing, the landing gear is excellent and of course the art work on the cowling. It works.

    Two thumbs up, had to smash the like button.

  2. Well done, Geoffrey (@caabreu). There is nothing better than an early model P-51.

  3. Very nice work on the paint finish, Geoffrey. I like the subtle variation of colors between panels and panel line shading. It can be tough to make OD look so interesting and authentically weathered. I am also impressed by the detail of the IP and cockpit in general - looks like 1/48, rather than 1/72.

  4. I thought it was at least 1/48th. Looks great!

  5. Nice work, Geoffrey! I really prefer the B to the D.

  6. Love it! As someone who hopes to build at least 30 4th fog ponies, your build is great inspiration.

    Brian Riedel

  7. Amazing detail for a 1/72! Great work

  8. Amazing model, Geoffrey!
    Hard to believe this excellently built Mustang is only 1/72!

  9. Awesome build, Geoffrey @caabreu
    Great paintwork and detailing, especially in this scale.

  10. Looks great - I do love those fastback Mustangs - my favorite shape for the iconic bird.

  11. great P-51 B! I'm wainting for Arma kit too 🙂

  12. That’s a beautifully made model.

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