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Martin Dytrych
41 articles

Achtung, Stuka! Out-of-box build of Ju 87B-2 in winter camouflage (Trumpeter 1:32)

April 25, 2022 · in Aviation · · 14 · 2.5K

This build is again for my friend who is re-newing the lost collection of his father. Therefore it was done right out of the box with minimum weathering and no changes.
I do not like german WW2 aircrafts much and this particularly one is really ugly. Sorry, friend, it is. I need to point it out right here, because it was important part of the story.

The kit is massive. Everything looks large, big, fat... Some cockpit parts are inaccurate, but no changes, so I only added few wires and seatbelts and then it started to be quite nice. I used the figure painting techniques for painting some details and it paid well.
This is already 3rd or 4th 's kit I built and this one excelled again in parts accuracy, straightforwardness without any complication. In case you look for easy weekend kit and do not plan any alteration then buy Trumpeter.
When I started painting, the plane still looked ugly, large, huge, fat. Despite all that I somehow started enjoying the build itself.
Everything changed after I applied white coat... My god, the change was dramatic. It looked sssoooooo f*cking goood!
Yes, this winter camo definitely changed ugly Stuka to beauty Stuka.

At one moment, I said "I should get one for myself." Wow, it sounded like blasphemy to me!
Even my wife likes her!
The overall finish is according to my friend wish, therefore I did not use any advanced weathering techniques, just a bit of smoke after exhausts (Although the general look is "slightly worn-off" white coat).

And here I am - I like this Stuka. Not the others, but this one... yes.
There is one more german aircraft waiting to be metamorphosed, lets see what I can do.

Colors: Mr. Paint (oh my god, best colors ever! I was able to paint whole plane during one weekend! Incredible.)
Vallejo (interior details)
Antenna wire: Shogun 0,06 mm

Reader reactions:
9  Awesome

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14 responses

  1. Very well done build, excellent paint and finish. Panel lines are perfecto.
    But it's still ugly. It's in it's DNA.

  2. Excellent ! Very beautiful !

  3. I really do like the paint job. The white distemper camo is a hard one to pull off.

  4. Very nicely done. Excellent finish. Subtle, not overdone.

  5. I like it too.

  6. Well done, Martin!

  7. Great looking Stuka, Martin @naviatik
    The winter camouflage is suprb.

  8. It’s the excellent paintwork and photography that really make this stand out.

  9. Very nice! I love the German winter overpaint schemes and you did a fantastic job on this one.

  10. Thank you all for your kind words and support!

  11. How did you get the oily rainbow effect on the canopy?

  12. @naviatik - You truly are an amazing modeler/painter. Beautiful work.

  13. Clean and beautiful build. Give me the will to build it one day 🙂

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