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Butch Bryan
10 articles

Little Friend

December 15, 2022 · in Uncategorized · · 34 · 0.6K

This is the P-51D dressed up in Captain Ted Lines "Thunderbird" livery. Out of the box build except for the Eduards seatbelts. NMF is AK Extreme metallics and Vallejo metallics over a white primer base. Lightly weathered with pastels and an oil wash. I was very impressed with the fit/finish of the kit so much I bought 4 more. Hope you enjoy!

Reader reactions:
14  Awesome

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34 responses

  1. Excellent work as always my friend!

  2. Very nice clean build. Can’t go wrong with a P-51 as you first article to start on iModeler. Welcome to the asylum. Keep building.

  3. Turned out extra nice.

  4. Sure did turn out nice. First time I’ve seen a Hasegawa Mustang built up. Beautiful job.

  5. A fantastic job, Butch!
    Welcome aboard!

  6. You entered with a beautiful Mustang, Butch @butchbryan
    Excellent result on the weathering and NMF.
    Welcome to this great community.
    Looking forward to see more of your builds.

  7. Wow Butch, that is a pretty bird! I really like your colour variation on various panels.

  8. Very nice, love the finish. Did this one myself a few years ago

  9. Nice job. Welcome to the group.

  10. Nice build, Butch. Well done and welcome.

  11. Welcome, Butch! Nice to see a Hasegawa Mustang built.

  12. Great-looking 'Stang Butch! Bought 4 more? Could it be you are being lured away from Sci-Fi...? Not sure the Trek fans could handle that!

  13. Looks great. Have a couple P 51s in the stash. Maybe next build. Hope they turn out as nice aa yours.

  14. Fine looking Mustang, and thanks for describing the materials used...always helpful!

  15. Welcome to iModeler, Butch, thanks for sharing your Mustang with us.

  16. Looks great- thanks for sharing! Beautiful Mustang

  17. What a debut! 😁 Great Mustang model Butch! I did a double-take when I saw your name; I've got a cousin in South Texas named Butch Bryan and the thumbnail pic does look similar. But he's no modeler, and obviously, you are! πŸ˜‰ Fine work there @butchbryan, and welcome to iModeler! 🍻

  18. Thanks Gary, much appreciated! Thats a unique name combo I have never seen a duplicate of! Usually Butch is a nickname for something else, in my case its "Clyde"

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