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David Paul Cope
11 articles

Blohm and Voss Bv141. 1/48 Hobbyboss.

June 3, 2023 · in Aviation · · 21 · 0.7K

This is an aircraft that has fascinated me since I first saw the 1/72nd Airfix kit, which I think was first released in the early 70's.

The Hobbyboss offering has few issues other than the poor representation of the engine and wrong handed prop, both of which were replaced from the spares box. The only other issue was the joint between top and bottom canopy halves, however this was entirely of my own making!

I used the Eduard internal and external etch sets to add some additional details and to save what's left of my sanity, the canopy was masked inside and out using the Montex masking set.

The kit is highly recommended for those who like oddball aircraft and canopy masking...

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22  Awesome 1 

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21 responses

  1. Really nice. A rarely modelled subject

  2. Very nice!
    Begs the question, "Where's the other half of your airplane?"

  3. Very sharp build and paintwork David!

  4. Nice job! I built that kit earlier this year and it was a lot of fun. For some reason, my boxing had the "correct" prop in it...

  5. Absolutely amazing, David @davecope109
    This aircraft has always been a favorite of me, looking at your build, I definitely want to have this one on my shelf .

  6. Nice work. This is such a strange aircraft. Wonder how difficult it was to fly?

    • It was actually very easy to fly and highly maneuverable - moreso than the Fw-189 that eventually won the production order, primarily because it didn't look like a violation of the laws of aerodynamics as this did.

      • Tom, @tcinla where did you get this information on the 141's flying characteristics. According to Eric Brown who actually flew both the Bv 141 and the Fw 189, " the 141 wasn't a bad aircraft that had good controls but had poor lateral stability which would make it difficult to fly in turbulence at low level and the fact that its competitor the Fw 189 had excellent flying characteristics were the real reasons for it's demise before reaching operational production".

  7. This is one of the best results from this kit I have seen.

  8. You don't see this kit built up very often. Looks absolutely superb. Model contest worthy that's for sure!

  9. Daavid, This is really a nice build on what has to be one of those ("what were they thinking, or what were they smoking") ideas !

  10. Amazing build, David!

  11. Very neat work on this, David.

  12. What a superb build, David.
    Masking the canopy must have been a nightmare, but the result is fantastic.
    Love it.

  13. Many thanks for all the kind comments guys!

  14. Profile Photo
    Walt said on June 5, 2023

    Beautiful build Dave, @davecope109, I was unaware this kit was available and I do like oddball planes with lots of canopy masking. I really like your painting, you did a great job of breaking up the colors and giving them some variation in tone. The Montex masks must have been very good your glazings look amazing.

    How does the kit build up? I would be interested in getting one it isn't a frustrating illfitting finicky kit. I did the competitions Fw189A2 by Great Wall and enjoyed it, but didn't think the kit was great.

    • Thanks Walt. Your 189 looks amazing! I built one a few years back and found it a bit of an odd construct process, especially having to fit the main gear early in the build and inevitably I managed to knock one off!
      The 141 is a fairly straightforward build. The mistake I made was when fitted the front upper and lower canopy. Best to the glue the halves together before gluing the bottom part to the lower fuselage.

  15. Excellent build! I do love the odd-ball stuff. Your paintwork is fantastic on this.

  16. Wow! Inspiring... I have one on the shelf and was toying with starting it next. If only I could find the now discontinued Eduard detail set on some other shelf!
    Great work!

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