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Ayhan Toplu
39 articles

1/32 Zoukei Mura Ta152 H-1

May 4, 2015 · in Aviation · · 8 · 3.2K

1/32 Zoukei Mura Ta152 H-1

Reader reactions:
7  Awesome

21 additional images. Click to enlarge.

8 responses

  1. Super detailing! Thanks!

  2. Great job, I like it!

  3. Lovely work, fit issues, I assume?

  4. most excellent job!

  5. Beautiful Wulf! Great job, details will keep my eyes glued to your pics for long. Thanks.

  6. Oh, there are a plethora of "fit issues" to this kit, which is why mine sits on the "shelf of doom." So Serious Kudos her for overcoming all that stuff to create such a nice model.

  7. You're a real artist. Beautiful work.

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