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Tom Bebout
143 articles

Monogram 1/48 F-102 Delta Dagger

November 21, 2015 · in Aviation · · 19 · 3.5K

Here's the old kit from the 90's,always liked the Century Series fighters so gave this one a try. It's all out of the box and let me state upfront it's big and requires a fair share of shelf space to display. Found the Falcon missile racks to somewhat confusing to assemble based on the instruction diagrams, but managed to complete them. Used Tamiya fine surface primer as the finish because I liked the look and thought it match quite well. Also used some of Mike Grants rivet decals along with Fundekals, and all snugged down quite well. Model Master enamels were used for the rest, funny how close up pics show flaws in your painting. Not a show winner but a nice kit that represents the 102 well.

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19 responses

  1. Can't beat those 'old' Monogram "Century Series" kits. I still like 'em. Ya done awright, Tom.

  2. Liked those 'old' kits in their day, but you did an excellent job looks as good as any today.

  3. Tom I like the Century series fighters more than any other US fighter jet of the 50's and 60's. Your Delta Dagger is superb! Well done!

  4. Nicely done, Tom. Did you leave the raised panel lines alone? The one join line near the cockpit isn't for the faint of heart, either.
    Anyone remember the old 1/48ish Revell kit, with all the ground gear? I haven't seen one in years, but at the time I wanted one.

  5. Nice im like

  6. Like it Tom how big is she ?

    • Simon she's 17 inches long from tip to tip with 9 3/4 inch wing span. Not sure what that equates to in metric terms.

      • It does not matter Tom, I still work in the old money LOL.

        • So, what's a shilling worth? Or was worth? 2 bob and a tanner? Couple of florins? Myahpa a haepenny? (got that one, res ipsa loquitor and all that)
          This came up the other day when the Mrs. was watching on of the British shows we get on PBS, in an effort to maintain her sanity from the drivel on the usual channels.

          • I can't resist having a stab at this, Bernard. This refers to "old money" before we were decimalised in 1972 or thereabouts. One pound had 240 pennies, 12 pennies made one shilling (also called a bob), two shillings were also known as a florin. Therefore 20 shillings made one pound. A tanner was slang for six pence. A haepenny was half a penny. There was also a guinea which was one pound and one shilling, a term used in trading horses, where the seller received one pound and one shilling went to the auctioneer...those were the days!

          • George, thank you! I get a kick out of hearing about "old money"! Guinea, that is interesting. Being a Yank, I had no idea. Horses! Egad!
            It's like I tell folks about my hoard of old magazines. I want to be ready if 1972 ever comes back!

  7. Love the century series as well - and this is a nice representation.

  8. hello Tom,
    As mentioned before, Monogram thats the way to go.
    Your model looks splendid.

  9. Century series are great models; large scale too. Very nice cockpit work also. Should be proud of this model.

  10. Thanks Merced, left it on the shelf half completed for a couple of months, but decided I needed to finish her.

  11. These old Monogram kits are still very popular it seems with you guys, and it certainly looks cool.

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