34 articles · 1.6K karma · 11 friends · active 2 weeks, 2 days ago

Maiale, The diorama

This feels a bit like cheating as I squeeze two articles from one model but the S.L.C. “Maiale” seemed a bit lonely sitting on my shelf in its cradle so I decided to make another diorama. The ship hull was fun to build. Even if it’s [...]

S.L.C "Maiale"

I do enjoy the On This Day… series from David Leigh-Smith and on his December 3rd entry there was a comment from Mon Falcone on the S.L.C Maiale that caught my eye. (link) This is his comment; "December 3rd, 1941 was also the date [...]

Marder III diorama

So I finished my Marder III model a month ago an decided to build my first diorama. It was a steep learning curve but I’m happy with the result. Without the Internet or YouTube, I would have no chance of building something like this. I [...]

Marder III

This is my first entry at iModeler.com and this is my first plastic model built for over 50 years. When I built my cheap Airfix kits as a kid, it was more about getting the model glued and slap on the decals. No one had ever heard of [...]