6 articles · 426 karma · 3 friends · active 3 months, 4 weeks ago

New Models Purchased

Hello all, I was thinking that it would be a great idea to share with you the kits i recently purchased from the hobby store. I was lucky and got the Prince of Wales at a bargain $64 for its massive size. Both kits are Tamiya and their [...]

Panzer lV 1/35

I would like to also show off this great little build that I am proud of. This is a 1/35 Panzer lV from Tamiya that was really fun and easy to build. This little guy went together over the course of about three days and i am very happy [...]

Avro Vulcan 1/72

This has to be one of my finest models and I never expected it to be. It is an Airfix kit and had its fair share of problem, but now looks great and is a great addition to my room. I decided to sharpie over the cockpit instead of keeping [...]

P-38 Night Fighter and Pontiac Firebird

Hi all, just thought I'd show off these two beauties. The P-38M won 3rd place in the airplane category at the local hobby shop competition...Not bad! The Pontiac Firebird came from a revell "Smokey and the Bandit" kit that I [...]

Amt 1/2500 Enterprise C

Oh yeah! Recently got this beauty done and it looks great on my shelf. I got this model for $14 off Amazon and made the stand out of the top of a coffee container. The model was very well made but the amt decals were garbage. With no [...]

My Collection

Hi! I'm new to iModeler and thought I'd introduce myself by showing off my cool little collection. These are all paint-brushed models. Feel free to question or comment. I like to think of myself as an intermediate modeler because I have [...]