104 articles · 7.4K karma · 12 friends · active 1 week, 1 day ago

Turkish Tigermeet Revell 1/72 F-16

Hi There, This was built as a surprise for Innis when he returns from his holiday. It was painted with Tamiya Acrylics and the transfers were Model Alliance Arctic Tigers. The seat belts and bang handle were scratched. The belts are a tad [...]

Merit 1/35 x-Craft

Hi There, Whilst Innis and I were building his Mustang, I was building this as a side project for myself. I didn't mean to get right into it but after taking it in to work on a Sunday evening to drill out the flood holes it got the better [...]

Airfix 1/72 Mustang P-51D with wrong decals

Hi There, It was decided by Innis that our next project would be a Mustang, but an RAF one. I had a couple of Mustangs picked up from Aldi, but no RAF decals. I managed to get some cheaply but they were for a Mustang III. Still, The Wee [...]

Revell 1/72 Horten Go-229

Hi There, this was built with and for my 10 year old nephew. He has taken a great interest in the hobby since my return a few months ago. I let him take a large part of this build, so all I really did was filling, sanding, masking and what [...]