113 articles · 8K karma · 13 friends · active 2 days, 22 hours ago

Merit 1/35 x-Craft

Hi There, Whilst Innis and I were building his Mustang, I was building this as a side project for myself. I didn't mean to get right into it but after taking it in to work on a Sunday evening to drill out the flood holes it got the better [...]

Airfix 1/72 Mustang P-51D with wrong decals

Hi There, It was decided by Innis that our next project would be a Mustang, but an RAF one. I had a couple of Mustangs picked up from Aldi, but no RAF decals. I managed to get some cheaply but they were for a Mustang III. Still, The Wee [...]

Revell 1/72 Horten Go-229

Hi There, this was built with and for my 10 year old nephew. He has taken a great interest in the hobby since my return a few months ago. I let him take a large part of this build, so all I really did was filling, sanding, masking and what [...]