9 articles · 290 karma · 0 friends · active 9 years, 6 months ago

LOVE Japanese airplanes.

Hamamatsu Air Park

A few photos we took during our visit to the Hamamatsu Air Park. Visit our blog for more photos and info. (link)

Shizuoka 2015 #8

And here's the last post with some of the most interesting models and dioramas I saw in the show. Note the really funny mini sub dio with the faucet. The extremely interesting and original warship creations by ARS NOVA are based on a manga [...]

Shizuoka 2015 #7

The Lohner T in 1/32 was all scratch built (solid model) by Oyabu Katsuyoshi. The F-84G Thunderjet, Hasegawa 1/72, was built by Shirai Asao and he made clear that he did not use any decals! All stencils and markings are hand painted!

Shizuoka 2015 #6

The (67) diorama was one of my most favorite of the show. Two more postings tomorrow and that will be all. Thank you for the comments and support. Glad you like.

Shizuoka 2015 #5

More photos. The first funky ship with the pagoda temple was built by a different modeler but there was no tag so I have no further details. The rest of the ships were built by a group called "Zenkoku Jokaku Mokei Fukyu Kyokai" [...]

Shizuoka 2015 #4

There were two most interesting tables in Shizuoka this year. The first featured the works of modeler and manga illustrator Tanaka Yoshimi who is using Yakult ((link)) bottles and other food containers to create some absolutely amazing [...]

Shizuoka 2015 #3

More photos and more coming up. I hope you like them. In Japanese "carrot" is "ninjin" and sounds very much like "enjin"; therefore the He162 with the carrot.

Shizuoka 2015 #2

Thank you guys for the comments. More photos today. The camera we use is a Pentax X70 which is great to take photos outdoors, museums etc but has let us down a few times during modeling shows with more demanding environment. Which camera [...]

Shizuoka 2015 #1

Photos we took on May 16 during the 54th Modelling Show in Shizuoka. Part#1. Many more coming up. Don't forget to visit our blog for photos of Japanese airplanes. (link) (link)