23 articles · 0.8K karma · 5 friends · active 4 months, 3 weeks ago

Warm beer is worse than the cold German girl.


Hi, Rainy weather outside produce this model 🙂 4 weeks. Hope you will like it because I do! 1/35 Meng T-72B3 Happy summer

Lancia Stratos

Hi, my first finished model of this year Lancia Stratos "1982 Targa Florio Rally" Hasegawa 1/24. Two weeks of easy work 🙂 This time I tried to do it little bit dirty, hope you will like it.

Ducati Monster 1/9 Revell

Hello, beecause here in europe we have a winter and for motobikers it is saddest part of the year I must to finish an open project, my own motobike. I found this kit in ebay, it was pretty hard to find it because it is old and rare kit. [...]

1/35 Panther A early with full interior. Finished!

Hello, after two years i already completed this model from takom, with full interior. In the future I will add a 5 man crew into it but for now I can call id DONE. It was a very long project for me, now I want to take a break from tanks [...]

Lancia 037 Chardonnet

Hi, After a lot of tanks and airplanes I have a need to do something else, so tried my first car model :-O It was a gift from last Xmass, and after two weeks here is result. Kit is from Hasegawa 1/24 😉 and because my wallet is emtpy I [...]

BF 109 afrika ... sand and sun

Hi, this was my frist attemp of airplane in 1/32 scale, it is kit from Revell and I want to try some afrika camo. Really I dont know if it is G2,4,6 version ... also marking it is not right and I know it ... but it was fun to build it and [...]

Ducati Monster S4 – Revell 1/9

Hello, so after a small break i decide to start "new" old kit, it is from Revell from 2003. i want this kit for a very long time but it is almost imposible to buy it, I was lucky to find this kit in small little shop for a fair [...]

iModeler Award – November 18

Hello & Thanks for voting for my ISU. It was a present for my friend, and he really likes it .. btw do you ever build any models for your friends, familys, cooworkers ...? I did a lot of them and when it is finished it warm twice 🙂 [...]

E-100 diorama “What if Tiger III” 1/72

Hello, a while ago i finished this "small" scale tank in 1/72 from Modelcollect. I was fun to work on something smaller that I usually do, I tried to focus on details and also I add a lot of my own ideas, these external armor [...]

Voyager 1 – the messenger of mankind

Hello, so Voyager 1 huh?! One of these best projects that mankind ever did,in my opinion. Short version: Explore the flow, dynamics, structure and composition of four planet, Jupiter, Saturn Uranus and Neptune and their moons. Leave [...]