19 articles · 1K karma · 6 friends · active 8 years, 1 month ago

When I was little I used to build the basic model cars and always wanted to explore onto getting planes where I can paint them. But as we know this isn't a cheap hobby but since I have had a job for a while I can finally afford planes and paint. I'm just learning how to airbrush and I'm always open for new techniques and constructive criticism.

Monogram 1/48 P-47D Thunderbolt Razorback “Zirkus Rosarius”

This was my attempt at another captured aircraft, this one I don't think came out as well as my b-24H but it came out fair. I used the other copy of this plane on here as a reference but this one isn't nearly as detailed partially because [...]

Beware! My first Plane ever! Revell B-25J Mitchell 1/48

So yes this is my first plane I ever constructed, As you can tell this is probably the worst thing you have ever seen, but I keep it to show myself how much I have improved since this plane. I literally spent two days building this because [...]

Testors 1/48 Spad 13C.1

So this was my first bi-plane, and in my opinion it has come out absolutely horrid (Mainly because of the decals). I probably could have prevented this because I didn't have the patience to wait for the decals to completely dry on the [...]

1/48 Monogram B-24H (Converted from J) German Captured "Sunshine"

Ever since I have been a little boy I was infatuated with captured aircraft whether it was for the good or bad of the United States. This plane would be my first captured aircraft that I have built, I chose this one for many reasons, the [...]

1/48 Mosquito Mk IV Nightfighter

This is my first, fully airbrushed plane where I airbrushed the interior and the exterior of the plane. The only thing I did not airbrush was the figures inside (which one fell down somehow :/ ). I made a few mistakes which are very clear [...]

1/48 “Humpin Honey” Monogram B-29 Superfortress

My planes just keep on getting bigger, actually I've always loved the b-29. As an avid fan of WWII it was a must to be a fan of the b-29 considering it was the plane that dropped the nuclear bombs on Japan. Originally I was going to [...]

B-26 “Mild and Bitter” Monogram 1/48

Most of the shopping I do for my planes is on a website named hobbylinc considering the closest hobby store is an hour away but as I was in this hobby store that is an hour away I stumbled upon this plane that I know hobbylinc no longer [...]

B-24J Liberator "Kentucky Belle" 1/48

This is one of my more recent planes and is my first airbrushed plane. I do not think this is the best plane I have done yet but It came out decent as compared to my first ever built plane. The things I loved about this plane is the [...]

B-17G “Chow Hound” Revell 1/48

This plane was my third official build and it was and still is my favorite build, but the b-26 will probably surpass this plane for the favorite build spot once I finish it. This plane was my first real attempt at painting according to [...]