72 articles · 6.8K karma · 36 friends · active 7 hours, 50 minutes ago

I am born and raised- a BERMUDIAN.
I am a professional artist and an art teacher. I am married and have two miniature dachshunds.
My main areas of interest are USN/USMC aircarft through the ages, but I love all flying things! I hope to start doing some artwork of aircraft, but for now my market is more focused on images of Bermuda.

Monogram (Revell Germany) 1/48 He-111H-22

Here is my 1/48 Revll Germany He-111H-22. I got it second hand from a good internet model friend in England. I had not really considered doing a doodlebug carrier, until I found out what this kit included. When I saw an aeromaster sheet [...]

1/48 PB-1W Conversion

This conversion languished for a very long time- about 4 years. I got the Paragon PB-1W Conversion, and a Monogram 1/48 B-17G, then the kit and conversion sat, and sat. I got hold of a great reference book- "B-17 In Blue: The Flying [...]