72 articles · 6.8K karma · 36 friends · active 7 hours, 50 minutes ago

I am born and raised- a BERMUDIAN.
I am a professional artist and an art teacher. I am married and have two miniature dachshunds.
My main areas of interest are USN/USMC aircarft through the ages, but I love all flying things! I hope to start doing some artwork of aircraft, but for now my market is more focused on images of Bermuda.

1/48 Otaki F6F-3N

This is the Otaki 1/48 F6F-3 with a Hasegawa F6F-5N cockpit and radome. The canopy is a vacuformed replacement and the decals are Superscale. The underwing insignia is hand painted around the radome. I enjoyed working on this as the kit [...]

1/48 Hobbycraft F9F-2 with adjustments

Here is my Hobbycraft F9F-2, with a new nose section- the Monogram F9F-5 forward fuselage (with canopy) suitably shortened to fit the correct length of the F9F-2. I also used Monogram wing tip tanks. I built the kit as one of the Blue [...]

Tamiya 1/48 F4U-2

I love the Corsair, and I particularly enjoy building Tamiya Corsairs. This was my first folded wing corsair. I used pictures from the Osprey book on Corsair aces (This aircraft was on the USS Enterprise) to help me to paint this one. It [...]

Grumman Widgeon USCG

I present my build of the Classic Airframes Widgeon. I chose the USCG markings because of its story, but also because I didn't have any WW2 era Coast Guard Aircraft in my collection. The USCG did a lot to protect the Eastern Seaboard. I am [...]

1/48 AMT Tigercat F7F-3N

Hi again- sorry for the multiple posts tonight- I only have now to do these. I took the AMT F7F, converted it using the HiTech resin parts, Obscureco props (the kit ones are, well.. backwards), and Squadron canopies, and finally metal [...]

Accurate Miniatures 1/48 IL-2 Shturmovik

I saw a profile of this aircraft- yeah I know- you should use photos not someone's idea of a photo, but I couldn't resist- it was the only image I could find of a cannon toting IL-2! I used Scale Aircraft Modelling's article on Shturmoviks [...]

Hobbycraft 1/48 Ju-88- with a LOT of changes

Hi all, I got the Hobbycraft 1/48 Ju-88 unaware of all its issues! I had the support of a lot of online modelling contacts to help me fix this sow's ear! Spare props from a Dragon Ju-88, metal gear legs from Airwaves I can't remember? [...]

1/48 F-16CJ and F-16CG in Bosnia

Hi all, Here are some 1/48 Hasegawa F-16's I completed during the Christmas season last year. I am a teacher, so do most work on my break times. I used the Dr Pepper resins WAR hud for the CG, and aftermarket decals for both the kits. One [...]

Awesome ornaments for your tree (if the wife allows)!

Hi all, I have been making an ornament for the tree every year since my wife and I got married. She provides a tentative support for my modelling, which is helped greatly by my involvement in Christmas, especially the surprise of what she [...]

1/48 Hasegawa F6F-5P conversion

I wanted to do a Hellcat in these markings ever since I saw the photo in a Hellcat reference, the Model Graphics book on the Hellcat. When I found out that Superscale put decals out for one of these VF-84 aircraft, I went ahead with it. I [...]