15 articles · 1.7K karma · 12 friends · active 1 month, 1 week ago

Planes, trains and automobiles...I model all of them. I have been building since I was a young kid living on the USAF base in Ramstein Germany in the 60's. I made glue bombs every Saturday afternoon after I got paid $.50 for caddying for my Dad at the base golf course. I alternate between model railroading, model building and slot car racing. I like them all and have learned that if I lose interest in 1 of my hobbies, don't sell my stuff for that hobby, as the interest will eventually return.

I like to build Century series jets as well as WW2 fighters. Originally I was all 1/72 scale, but as I age, 1/48th scale is becoming more appealing, although storage for the larger planes is a challenge.

I have been a professional photographer since the early 80's.

My family has a long history of military aviation in Canada. My great Uncle Andrew McKeever had 31 victories in WW1. My Uncle Jim Thompson won a DFC in WW2. My Dad was a F-86 and CF-104 pilot. My brother in law flew with the CAF Snowbirds and I have 3 nephews who are current pilots in the RCAF.

1/20 scale Tamiya Snap Loc 1993 T93-00 Lola Ford IndyCar by Don Weixl

I picked up this 1/20th scale kit at an estate sale partially built for $10 Canadian. The original price tag on the box was $35.00. Some minor sub assembly painting was done. The instructions say the kit was released in 1993. I didn’t [...]

1/72 Scale Academy F4U-1 US Navy VF-17 Corsair “Big Hog” by Don Weixl

Everybody loves the Corsair with its unique gull wing and massive propeller. I am not a Corsair expert, but wanted to do a decent job of modelling the famous “Big Hog” Corsair flown by US Navy ace Tommy Blackburn of the VF-17 Jolly [...]

1/72 Esci AMT CF-104 Starfighter 421 Red Indian Squadron Canadian Armed Forces

I am a big fan of the Lockheed F-104. My father flew the CF-104 with the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) from 1961 to 1964. This model features a commemorative paint scheme for the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) 421 Red Indian Squadron. In [...]

1/72 Hasegawa P-38 Lightning “Yippee”

Lockheed painted their 5000th P-38 Lightning "Vermillion" red in 1944 and used it as a demonstrator for a short period. Perhaps this one of the first "Commemorative" paint schemes that are so prevalent these days with [...]

1/72 Esci/AMT USAF F-104 Drone

The 1/72 Esci F-104 kits were re-boxed by AMT. The kits are pretty nice with extra fine recessed panel lines and the option to build the short tail A or C version or the more common long tail version used by most countries except the US [...]