73 articles · 6K karma · 26 friends · active 4 months, 4 weeks ago

Avid model builder. I like building modern jets and helicopters, and real space subjects, but I've recently started building WWII aviation subjects. I live in Beaverton, Oregon. You can check out my modeling website: https://www.georgesmodels.com

1/32 Zoukei Mura Ho-229 Opus 2 Number 1

Here's my almost nearly completed 1/32 Zoukei-Mura SWS Ho-229. This thing has taken me months to complete, but the work was worth it. I highly recommend this kit to more experienced modellers. I painted it with Tamiya, Mr Hobby, AK, [...]

Painting wood panels on the Zoukei-Mura 1/32 Ho-229

This turned out to be a lot more complicated than I originally thought. The final model is going to be a weather-worn example with lots of faded paint and rust. I performed some tests and came up with a scheme. The panels that weren't [...]

Ho-229 The main fuselage area is almost done

Here's the 1/32 Zoukei-Mura Ho-229 I'm building at the moment. I opened up the two panels on the nose section in order to expose more of those fabulous engines. The tail section has been pre=painted with rust shades and will get a heafty [...]

Another 1/32 Zoukei-Mura SWS Ho-229 Build

Well, it's certainly been a while since I last posted anything on iModeller, but I'm glad I'm back into building models again after a long haitus. I donated my last H0-229 to a museum and decided it was time to build one for myself. I [...]

1960s Retro-futuristic Moonbase

I found a really cool lunchbox on ebay a few months ago and decided to take it a little further by making a little moonbase diorama inside of it. I had one of these as a kid and was really happy to have found it. The Landers, Rovers, Space [...]

Maschinen Krieger 1/20 Lun 168 Camel

Finished the 1/20 Hasegawa Camel Lun 168. This was painted using Mission Models Paints. Lots of painting (over 40 colors involved), chipping, scrubbing, and listening to 70s music went into this bad boy. I'll be putting out a downloadable [...]

Finally finished the 1/72 Amodel Mi-6 Beast

This was a 5 month long build. It gave me trouble from the start. Absolutely nothing fit.

1/72 Amodel Mi-6 Helo

Almost done with this horrible kit. This is a composite of several derlict examples I found on the internet. Mission Models Paints, AK metallics, Mig panel line washes, oils, and lots of swearing.

The new 1/32 Zoukei-Mura Hs-129

Finished this a couple of months ago. My build will be featured in the upcoming Concept Note for this kit. It's the usual superb Z-M quality with a tremendous amount of detail and precision fit. I painted it in an Eastern Front color [...]

1/350 Pegasus Hobbies Moonlander has Landed

Okay, so I finally finished the 1/350 Pegasus Hobbies Moonlander. This kit really was a lot of fun to build. lighting it really made it stand out. I used teeny tiny , itsy bitsy little LEDs in side the crew compartmant at the top and [...]