73 articles · 6K karma · 26 friends · active 5 months ago

Avid model builder. I like building modern jets and helicopters, and real space subjects, but I've recently started building WWII aviation subjects. I live in Beaverton, Oregon. You can check out my modeling website: https://www.georgesmodels.com

1/48 Hasegawa QF-4 Aerial Target Conversion

Finally finished this thing. It was a kit that I bought about 20 years ago when I was getting back into model building. After market includes Eduard seats and exhaust, as well as a couple of parts from an ancient resin cockpit set. The [...]

1/48 AMK MiG-31

Finally finished it

1/144 KC-135 refueling a B-2 Spirit Bomber

I uploaded a few WIP pics of this little diorama a few months ago and after languishing on the shelf for a few months, I decided to finish the build. I don't normally build anything smaller than 1/72, but these two at 1/144 were the [...]

Additions to my Workshop

I uploaded a few pictures of my workshop a couple of years ago and have made a few additions to it since then. I've added an air conditioning unit, a Paasche paint booth, LED Lighting, and an Espresso machine.

1/48 Hobby Boss Ka-27 Ukrainian Navy

Just finished this bad boy after 5 months of working on it off and on. It's pretty much OOB except for the seats, a couple of scratch built antennas, pitot tubes, wiring/plumbing, and excellent Bergemont decals. I used a custom mix of Mr [...]

My Best of iModeler Prize

I want to thank iModeler again for the recognition, and the prize and just received. I just started working on the MiG-29 I won last year and this will be a really nice addition to my collection of U.S. and Russian jets. Can't wait to get [...]

1/48 Kinetic Su-33

Well, after 5 months of working on this thing, I finally finished it. This is really a great kit.. The instructions are terrible, but it was still a pleasure to build. I used Mr Paint paints for everything except for the engine covers and [...]

Abandoned Su-15 (1/48 Trumpeter Su-15 Flagon-A)

I started this model a while back and posted a few work-in-progress articles about the build. The only after-markey I used was a photo-etch seat belt from another model. You can't really see it through the stained, cracked, and weathered [...]

MiG-29UB of the Azerbaijan Air Force

Here's my rendition of the a plane that appears to have been sold by the Ukrainian AF to the Azerbaijan AF (as far as I can tell). It's been stripped of its paint so it looks to be pretty weathered. I used an old Academy MiG-29UB kit that [...]

Mig-23 Part Deux. How to beat a dead horse

Not trying to be repetitive here, but I shot some better photos of my 1/48 Trumpeter Mig-23.