267 articles · 15.2K karma · 13 friends · active 2 days, 7 hours ago

Learning to Fight...1/48 Mitsubishi A6M2-K, Imperial Japanese Navy

Built in 2018. Hasegawa kit, Fine Molds seat belts, EZ Line for antenna wire, Gunze and Tamiya acrylics used, selfmixed orange-yellow. Model depicts a 21st Kokusho, Tsukuba Naval Flying Group aircraft in 1944.

Fancy Friedrich...1/48 Messerschmitt Bf109F-2, 5./JG52

Built a couple of years ago. Hasegawa kit, Iliad Design decals, Gunze and Tamiya paints used. EZ Line for the antenna wire and brake lines added. Airbrush job done freehand, so there´s some paint spray, hard to avoid. This aircraft wears [...]

T-Birds in the North…1/48 Messerschmitt Bf109T-2, 11./JG11

Another fancy 109 scheme ? built in 2014 by my dad. Hasegawa kit (JG77 boxing), included the lengthened wingtips and slats and the different charger intake as resin parts. Sadly the slats were too short so my dad used a piece of the [...]

Suomi Shark...1/48 Messerschmitt Bf109G-6, Finnish Ilmavoimat

All good things come in three, so here´s a third and last 109 for today 😉 Built in 2015. Hasegawa kit, Aeromaster decals (Augsburg Eagles III) MT-422 was delivered in April 1944 to 1/HLeLv 34, in June 1947 it was transferred to HLeLv [...]

Italian Stallion...1/48 Messerschmitt Bf109G-14/AS, Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana

Built in 2015. Hasegawa kit with Stormo decals, painted with Gunze and Tamiya acrylics. Eduard seatbelts, EZ Line for antenna wires, brake lines added. Aircraft serving with 1 Gruppo caccia 1 Sqn

Early Schmitt...1/48 Messerschmitt Bf109D Royal Hungarian Airforce

Built in 2017. Classic Airframes kit, painted with Tamiya XF-82 RAF Ocean Gray, Tamiya XF-5 Green and Gunze H406 Chocolate Brown Brake lines added with plastic rods and lead wire, EZ Line for aerials In 1942 the Germans delivered three old [...]

Stranded Jabo...Messerschmitt Bf109F-4/B, 10./JG53

And my dad has finished his first 109 in 2021. Hasegawa kit, bomb rack and 50kg bombs from Zvezda, Eduard seatbelts, EZ Line for antenna wires, plastic rods and lead wire for the brake lines. RLM74/75/76 painted with AK Real Color. [...]

Under New Management...1/48 Focke-Wulf Fw190A-5, 325th FG USAAF

Here´s another captured Würger. Hasegawa kit with Karaya Decals, built over 5 years ago. Bird captured in Italy.

Under New Management...1/48 Focke-Wulf Fw190A-4 Soviet Airforce

Built in 2017. On January 13th 1943, Unteroffizier Helmut Brandt of 2./JG54 was forced down by Soviet fighters and he made a crash landing on the frozen Lake Ladoga where he became a POW. The Soviets restored the aircraft to airworthy [...]

Italian Stallion...1/48 Macchi MC.205 Veltro, Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana

Built in 2013 by my dad. Hasegawa kit oob. Some of you may know that the Hasegawa Veltro isn´t correct and is something between a 202 and a 205, but it looks like a Veltro, my dad didn´t care. Seatbelts added and EZ Line for the antenna [...]