134 articles · 5.9K karma · 10 friends · active 5 hours, 12 minutes ago

While I mostly model WW II aircraft, I will make any model that strikes my fancy.

Stearman PT-17

Here’s my Revell Stearman PT-17. This was the first time I tried rigging with micro tubing and ring anchors. It was a tedious process but, it sure looks good when done. Better than cleaning up and painting tank bogie wheels! ? I think I [...]

Zvezda 1/72 La-5fn

My April no-frills build. This one took more than a month as it turned out to be a putty monster. The wing root areas took several applications of putty and sanding to get them to look good. Fortunately, the wings didn’t have a lot of [...]

Avia CS-199

Following my friend Dennis’s lead, I’m working on shrinking the stash with monthly “no-frills” builds: out of the box, no major mods, minimal weathering, etc. My May “NFB” is this KoPro 1/72 Avia CS-199. Not a lot of detail in [...]

Spitfirepalooza Continues!

Another model completed during the Great Hunkering Down, the Eduard 1/72 Spitfire Mk. VIII. This is my first 1/72 Eduard Spit and as has been said by many before, these kits are great! I will definitely do more.

Monogram F4b-4

My recently completed Monogram F4b-4 with Mark’s Models and Toys EZ Rigging, decals, and resin cockpit.

Had to use Those Extra Decals

So here’s how my thinking went on this one: I have the Azur Vautour IIN in the stash and I want to do the “blue and sand” Israeli version. But, I wanted to test those colors out first. One of the marking choices in the Eduard [...]

PZL 11c

I picked this kit up a few weeks ago from a vendor table at a recent contest. It’s the old Heller 1/72 PZL 11c. This is a basic but nice kit. I added some framing in the cockpit, seatbelts, landing strut bracing wire and antenna wires. [...]

8th Hussar

Another of my old figures. This one was kindly offered to me by Ron Souza to review for Historical Miniature Magazine, this is Mili-Men King’s Shilling 120 mm 8th Hussar painted in oils. I scratch built the background.

There Was a Time...

In the 90’s when all of my modeling was figures. This is a figure from that period. Ron Souza sent this to me to write up a review for his Historical Miniature Magazine. It’s been so long I can’t remember the manufacturer and my old [...]

I’ll Call it a Flat

In the summer of 1968 we took a family vacation trip to visit my grandparents in Minnesota and Montana. Along the way we played the Shell Presidents Coin game. Eventually the coins, or more accurately medallions, were tossed out. Thirty [...]