46 articles · 2.6K karma · 12 friends · active 1 year ago

My name is Stan and I'm a plastiholic.

Tiger II s.H.Pz.Abt 505

Here is the Tamiya 1/48 Tiger II with the excellent resin zimmerit from ATAK Model. I used about half of the Hauler P-E set, and lenses were added to both Hauler and scratch built periscopes. Grab handles and headlight conduit were added [...]

Mini Theme

OK, I'll bite. No cars yet, though I do have a Ferrari Enzo on the shelf of doom. So here's a ship, a plane and a target. Trumpeter 1/350 Zerstorer Z-25, Eduard 1/48 Bf 110D-3 and Tamiya 1/48 Pz.Kpfw. IIIL Cheers!

Hot off the bench.... a 2015 build!

Here is the Eduard Me 262A-1a. Very good little kit, but I couldn't resist adding a bunch of P-E from the Brengun set for the B model. My eyes have ordered me back to 1/48! Happy New Year to All!

New Cave

Finally in operational building mode after 2 years of moving, construction and repairing a horrid, inept contractors (lack of) workmanship, I can return to butchering plastic. Already have moved a few things around since these pics were [...]

Oh dear, not another Fw 190…

Here's an Eduard Fw 190A-5, 9./JG 2 Joseph "Sepp" Wurmheller summer 1943. After reading so many horror stories about these kits I had to indulge my masochistic side and try my hand at one. Of course I did not run into many of [...]

The second Royal Class Bf 110… this time the E-2trop

Not the easiest to build, but Eduard's 1/48 '110s build into very good looking models with a bit of patience and the occasional big hammer. I may have pooched the exhaust stains on this one- looking at photos that may have been [...]

Hasegawa 1/48 Fw 190A-8, JG 54 Robert “Bazi” Weiss

My first Hase 190. Strong points are a nice overall shape, excellent very fine panel lines and, OMG, if you simply assemble the landing gear struts, everything lines up! (Are you listening Bunny boys?) Weak points of the Hase Wurger are [...]

A bipe for those who fear rigging… though as far from ‘shake ‘n’ bake as it gets…

... while I'm grateful that this was kitted in 1/48 at all, there are some horrendous fit issues with this bugger. Before attempting, please stock up on files, putty, sandpaper, patience and your most powerful favorite beverage. This is [...]

Smoke (rings) Gets In Your Eyes…

First of all, no... I am NOT that good with an airbrush... smoke rings are Mike Grant decals. Something a bit different for me (it wasn't built in Germany) 😉 - The Hase 1/48 Mc-205 Veltro. Added a bunch of Eduard P-E, some modified QB [...]

The Prize…

Received the February model contest prize on Friday (sorry it took a couple of days to clear the horror that is my workbench when finishing a build). 😉 Many thanks to everyone at iModeler for the honor and a very cool prize!