3 articles · 397 karma · 9 friends · active 2 years, 9 months ago

I come from Greece, I am 45 years old and I build models since I was a kid

Me-109 in 6 variants

Hi, After being lazy for one year or so, I decided to start building a part of my collection from my favorite Me-109. I have some 18 kits from various firms. The first 6 you can see below, are the most ‘’simple’’ and built them to [...]

Fiat BR-20 Italeri 1/72

Back to the hobby in 2016 with a very old kit being on my shelf for 20 years. During construction I tried to overcome some major problems (later I found on the web many comments referring to this kit's problems), which were mainly that [...]

Ki- 55, FUJIMI 1/72

Being out of the hobby for many many years, I decided to build this kit- so, here it is, a Fujimi's Tachikawa Ki-55. Maybe I overdone it concerning the silver paint chips, but i hope you like it !