5 articles · 0.7K karma · 4 friends · active 2 days, 8 hours ago

With a terrible amount of pauses i'm building kits since my childhood...mostly WWII planes and / or modern jets in 1/72, but nowadays i'm getting interested in rally cars. i work really slowly, but try to do my best...i'd like to get better and better by every finished kits, but this is mostly a hobby and a way of relaxing for me rather than competition. anyways I'm a Java developer and software automation tester from Hungary and I extremely love dogs.

Once upon a time, there was a Hungarian Air Force…

After (the so-called) communism ended, so many things changed here, in East/Central Europe...for example the various national armies and forces' attitudes towards a possible war and in addition with that change there happened a re-thinking [...]

Review: The hottest day of the year and the new air museum at Szolnok

I'm sure, yesterday was the hottest day of this year here in Hungary so it seemed like to be a good idea to take a short trip to the newly established Reptár Air Museum (www.reptar.hu) in Szolnok (something like 100 kms from [...]

Bolyai Model Show, Budapest

The Bolyai Model Show and Contest takes place here in Budapest in a military campus on the 10-11th of October. this is a way smaller show than the now "world famous" Moson-show, but still a good one with a plenty of great [...]

DeHavilland Mosquito NF Mk.XVII. Tamiya 1/72

here is my DeHavilland Mosquito NF Mk.XVII in 1/72, made by Tamiya's great kit...now with a painted canopy, fully finished. as i already said, it's far from perfect but i'm somehow proud about it:) it was generally an out from the box [...]

it's time to get back into build...

hello there, these are the results of my first modelling year...i mean i built some kits when i was a schoolkid, but after an almost 20 years long pause i thought, it's time to get back into the hobby...it was weird, really weird, i [...]