93 articles · 16.8K karma · 77 friends · active 5 hours, 31 minutes ago

Hi,I am based in Warrington in the north west of England and usualy build 1/48 scale aircraft ,generaly WW2 and coldwar so from1939 up to around 1975 (ish !),my current main interests are anything Israeli and British fleet air arm. If anyone is interested in swapping information please feel free to get in touch.

I am a 1966 vintage and work in the Chemicals industry which is boring and usualy involves keeping some pretty nasty stuff under lock and key.

I am also a biker and am into the great outdoors, and good old fashioned rock n roll,the louder the better.



Short Sunderland 111 Airfix 1/72

Hello all, here is my latest completed build and a few shots of my next project continuing my current interest in building vintage Airfix kits , these two are both older than me and I am 58 ! The Sunderland is a very basic kit with [...]

Metcalfe card models , street scene

Well this one is the last of my postings for a while as I am fully up to date with completed builds so I thought I would finish with something completely different for me, the inspiration for building this is my hope one day to have the [...]

Short Stirling B 111 Airfix 1/72

Always a favourite of mine from being a lad the molds for this kit are the same age as me ! 1966 and yet this kit builds up beautifuly, for anyone wanting a nostalgia trip this is a good place to start. There is a good amount of detail [...]

BAe/IAI "Zeron" GR.3 1983

Part of a little known project by the IDF and developed jointly by BAe systems and Israel Aircraft Industries to evaluate the possibilities of small outposts in the Negev desert which in times of conflict would operate independently [...]

Pacific class Locomotive "Biggin hill" Airfix HO OO Airfix

I always wanted a railway layout as a lad ,still do to be honest , but never got one , these ancient Airfix railway kits are surprisingly detailed and well engineered ,the only thing I added was some clear plastic for the cab windows. I [...]

Arado Ar196 A-3 Suda Bay Crete 1943 Airfix ,1/72

Well after a long Hiatus from posting anything I have managed to get some pictures together and will be posting a few builds over the next couple of days , I hope you like them. I am finding myself drawn to the nostalgia of the kits I [...]

Spitfire F24 Kai tak ,Hong Kong 1951 1/48 Airfix

How I acquired this kit in the first place is unusual to say the least...a few years ago I was doing a Sunday morning tip run taking garden waste and all those paint tins with one inch of dried up paint that we all keep and god knows what [...]

Oldies but goodies........

Here are some of my vintage kits, all Airfix and all very old mouldings, according to the time line on Scalemates they are dated as follows; Handley page Hampden 1968 Boeing Clipper 1967 HMS Victorious [...]

Hellcat F6F-5 1/48 Hobbyboss

A few years ago I was at a local club day admiring the work done by my fellow modelers and mooching through the boxes under the tables of models for sale (always the best bit of the day for me) when I came across the Hobbyboss Hellcat, I [...]

Hellcat Mk1 Eduard 1/48

This is the second of my Hellcats ,this one a Mk1 flown from HMS Emperor helping to cover the Normandy landings hence the super cool invasion stripes and then was involved in operation 'Dragoon' ,the allied invasion of southern France. As [...]