10 articles · 540 karma · 1 friends · active 5 years, 12 months ago

I've been modeling trains, ships, planes and cars since 1955. As far as ships my favorite has always been US submarines and battlewagons.
In 2012 I retired after a 44 year career on the RR which included being a locomotive engineer.

Revell Fire Fighter

This is the original Revell Fire Fighter from 1962. The props and water monitors are "brass plated." I originally built the model around 1979. Over the years, the white "yellowed" and looked terrible. I actually [...]


Here's a shot of the USN Albatross from the starboard side.

USCG Albatross

This is another Monogram Albatross I painted and lettered for the USCG.

USN Albatross

This is an old Monogram 1/72 scale Alabatross that I painted and lettered for NAS AGANA. Decals by Microscale.

New Haven RR Layout

This is a shot on my NHRR HO Scale layout. Location is Bridgeport, CT.

USS Olympia

This is the old Revell USS Olympia. I used photo etched railings and ratlines and wood decking appliques by Artwox. The first shot is before I rigged her. Second shot is a close-up. She actually had an auxiliary sail rig.

USS Maryland

This is a 1/350 scale model I built of the USS Maryland, SSBN-738 a Trident Class Boomer. I wish someone made a 1/350 scale model of the battleship USS Maryland with the cage masts.

USS Arizona

I recently completed the Banner 1/350 scale USS Arizona. I modified the model with the addition of about 150 photo etched parts by Eduard. This model also has the Artwox laser cut wood deck applique.

Revell 1/400 QM2

The Revell 1/400 scale Queen Mary 2. Kit had 550 parts; took a month to build. Prior to building the model my wife and I sailed on the QM2 which also gave me the opportunity to take some detail shots of the 12"=1' scale QM2. The model [...]


Model is Revell 1/72 scale PT-109 that I painted and lettered for USS PT-117 in her 1942 color scheme. Here's another shot of the port quarter. This is the 37mm anti-tank gun JFK had lashed temporarily to PT-109's deck. I did paint the gun [...]