25 articles · 1.5K karma · 7 friends · active 3 months ago

Modelling from Costa Rica but born and raised in Mexico.

Hasegawa 1/72 F-4S Phantom II

First of this project. It began in February, this one was finished this past weekend. I´m depicting a training load while land based. Resin accesories: bombs, AIM-9L, MERs, wheels, jet exhausts, wheels, seats and mirrors. Photoetched [...]

Sweet 1/144 A6M2b X7 plus Flight Deck Section

My last project, painted Hinomaru insignias and colored belts/stripes, pitot tubes added with hipodermic needles and wire. Little nice kits but it took me longer than expected to finish these up, too many things to mask, Deck section has 5 [...]

Airfix 1/72 B-25D Mitchell, Strafer conversion.

Resin gun pods and gun barrels from Quickboost, the side blast shields and front guns exit were done with styrene plastic sheet. Decals from an old Albatros decal set but I retouched the Nose Art decal and painted the falcon´s head and [...]

Fujimi 1/72 LTV A-7E Corsair II

My last project. Resin cockpit from Aires, Sidewinders, Mk 82s and TERs from Eduard, Mk 83s and LAU-10s from Hasegawa, decals from CAM and Print Scale. Scratchbuilt landing gear bays and rotary cannon front face (small projects on [...]

Hasegawa 1/72 X29, What if... NFWS in Ferris livery.

Follow up from my previous post. Some modifications to make her serve at Top Gun.

Hasegawa 1/72 F-20 Tigershark, What if... with a Ferris twist.

My humble contribution to the What if... Universe. Decals from Furball, Pilot and Sidewinder from Hasegawa sets, ACMI pod from scratch. Colors from Model Master, Metals from Alclad II and Vallejo Metal Color.

Tamiya 1/48 P-51B from early 2013

Aires cockpit, Squadron canopy, CAM decals, some improvements on several details with plastic sheet, copper wires, steel needles and photo etched items from Eduard. Painted with Humbrol, Model Master and Polly Scale. And if I remember well [...]

Revell Germany 1/72 FW 190 F8/R14

Just finished past week, an old mold that required some care to improve it. As you can see I made use of several resin additions and a vacuum-formed canopy that required a lot of adjustment to make it fit, I scratch built several details [...]

Revell Germany 1/48 A-20G Havoc, from late 2012.

Hello all. I´m going to share with you this old project, it took me good 18 months to finish it and so far it has been the longest one for me in a single model, I´m not precisely a "Fast Modeler". Maybe some of you had seen [...]

Eduard 1/48 Albatros DVa, final installment

Hello again. Last of the project, basically with all the same changes and improvements than the previous two but with the needed changes to represent a DVa. Main difference is that the finishing was done mainly with decals (the other two [...]