13 articles · 1.9K karma · 24 friends · active 1 month ago

1/48 is the only true scale!

Academy P-47 D, 1/48, 1st Brazilian Fighter Squadron

Salute, gents. This is Academy's P-47 D in 1/48, a well known kit which was superseded by the Tamiya offering. It is not a bad kit, but can use some improvements. Ultracast resin wheels, seat (with molded harness) and propeller were used. [...]

Accurate Miniatures/Italeri SBD-5

Salute, gents! Hope you are all doing fine. Lockdown still in effect here but that actually slowed down my builds. Been working on this one since march, the venerable Accurate Miniatures SBD, boxed by Italeri. First off, it is great that [...]

Italeri/Hasegawa Mc 205 Veltro

Hello, fellas! Hope you all are alright and safe during this difficult period. I’ve been working from home for 7 weeks now, just a little touch of cabin fever - cured with a daily cold beer and some modeling! Here is my attempt at [...]

Airfix 1/48 Spitfire Mk 22

Hello, fellas. Hope you are all safe and having a good time buiding models at home! This kit has been reviewed several times. It was great when it came out (1996, IIRC), but has since been surpassed by Airfix’s new releases. The cockpit [...]

First completion of the year: Tamiya’s 109 G-6

Salute, gentlemen! And a great new year to all of you! I just finished Tamiya’s 1/48 109 G-6, and what a great kit it is. I would guess no other manufacturer could pull off such “gimmicks” as the interchangeable exposed engine/closed [...]

Academy’s “pregnant cat”, a last minute 2019 completion!

Hello, fellas! This is Academy’s infamous “pregnant cat” I finished yesterday in true “almost OOB” fashion. The interior was dressed up with some Eduard PE bits, as well as Master barrels for the .50 machine guns. I first [...]

Hasegawa 1/48 Bf-109 Eand a cautionary tale about decals...

Hello, fellas! With this I clean the slate of my “back catalog” of recent builds, which are at an all time low rate of production due to various life chores... This kit has a special place in my heart, being the first I built when I [...]

Tamiya 1/48 Mustang

Hello, fellas! This is the well known Tamiya Mustang finished in the “clown suit” markings - no disrespect meant to the men who flew and mantained it, it is just that the flamboyant pattern applied to the cowling reminded me of a [...]

Arii Spitfire Mk VIII 1/48

Hello, fellas! This kit was bought a few years ago from a vendor’s table at a local modeling meeting for what seemed a bargain: it came with Squadron vac canopies, Waldron cockpit placards and details and an Airwaves PE set. Upon closer [...]

Airfix Spitfire PR XIX, 1/48

Hello, fellas! This is my attempt at Airfix’s 1/48 Spitfire PR XIX. Some time ago I decided to try and add the most Spitfires variants possible to my collection, which stands at a modest 8 kits build by now, and I sure am thankful to [...]