29 articles · 1.1K karma · 2 friends · active 2 days, 7 hours ago

50 years old and just entering back into the modelling world. My models are mostly OOB, with only slight detailing..ALL paint is either through a spray can or by brush.
Edit...i've now invested in a compressor and airbrush, so now i'ts a steep learning curve, mistakes WILL be made! lol


SO, while i'm out of action with a busted right shoulder rotator cuff, (yes, i'm right handed) i thought i'd post this model that my 15 year old son originally started, and butchered, of the iconic Toyota Supra. He originally hand painted [...]

TAMIYA 1/35th CHEIFTAIN TANK (another build)

Hot on the heels of my last Chieftain being handed back to it's owner (1 week to be precise), i have been asked to build ANOTHER! Learning from mistakes made on the last one, here we go again! Also, first time using a Matt Black Primer [...]

TAMIYA 1/35th M113a2

Found this little kit i started about 10 years ago, will have to get it finished. BUT, i've since moved house and lost a few parts! Any how, i'll add some straps, brackets etc. and try to find some replacement parts. Pictures a little [...]


Building this for a friend, so it's going to be OOB. Slight weathering will be applied and, as i'm new to airbrushing, the finish could be "interesting" to say the least. Until this is finished, the "Memphis Belle" has [...]


Thought i'd try my hand at a larger scale aircraft for a change. So, went BIG...1:48th Scale B17 "Memphis Belle". Kit was reasonably cheap (and i found out why) so i decided that this would be a baptism of fire and bought an [...]

Tamiya 1:350 prince of wales

Having already built this kit for myself (i'll post a photo at the end of this build), my friend asked me to build one for her husband who served on her. She asked for a "no frills, just out of the box" model as her husband has [...]


Built this over the last three ! days for a break from the Yamato... Usually build boats, but got about 6 Armour kits to build for a friend. OOB, heavy weathering. (the Land-Rover is a Tamiya SAS "Pink-Panther", painted as [...]

1:350 IJN YAMATO (work in progress)

Again, built OOB with some additional PE railings, I hated doing these, so doubtful i'll add them to future builds! Lower hull is "Red Oxide" primer, upper hull and super structure is Grey primer (as i did to all my models in the [...]

1:350th Academy BISMARCK

Built straight from the box, using grey and red oxide "rattlecans" and brushes. Searchlights were enhanced using some crafters "crystal embelishments"...happy with the result considering i've been away from modelling [...]