12 articles · 1.1K karma · 11 friends · active 1 year, 3 months ago
I'm over 55 and live in west Auckland, New Zealand & a member of IPMS Auckland.
I'm a long time modeller, began with 1/72 Aircraft, moved on to 1/35 AFV's, then went back to 1/72 Aircraft and then up in scale to 1/48 & 1/32... all of WW2 era vintage. I've started to move back into the realm of "targets" again, but this time in 1/48, to match the bulk of my stash -and provide some diorama material.
Why did I move up in scale from 1/72?... well, the old eyes aren't getting any better with age! And the fingers seem a lot fatter now, too!
I also make SF kits and some figure kits... so long as they are are ...well..."glamorous"
The box (and its pretty dramatic "What-if" artwork) measures 30x21.5X7.5 cm (11.5x8.5x3 inches)so its not really overly large. (The Hasegawa box is about an inch longer and 2/3 as deep. Inside you will find it is very full with 5 [...]
This is a WIP of my 1/32 Dragon 110C-7 kit, painted as L1+DH of NJG3, as it was photographed at Benghazi, Libya in 1941, with replacement tail surfaces from a Dayfighter.
What makes it "interesting" is that I used no black paint [...]
See! I can play this game, too!
This is the Hasegawa 1/48 P39N/Q kit, built OOB with tape harness. I used an Aeromaster AM sheet to depict a VVS machine that served not one but 2 aces, one after the other. This is the mount for the first [...]
This is the older Nichimo kit, built largely OOB with Aeromaster decals (Imperial Defenders)
I chose the allover Army green machine over the more conventional Grey and green blotch as it gives the aircraft a very different look.
The [...]
Babylon 5 kind of grew on me slowly. I was not really impressed by the First season (the lead was and is a Charisma free Zone) but when they "brought in the Bruce" the show really took off.
This is the Revell Starfury (HORRIBLE [...]
This is a 1/9 scale figure in Vinyl by Sol of Korea called Verona.
She was primed with Auto lacquer primer in pale grey then airbrushed with Model master enamels, and finally the small details painted by hand with the trusty Hairy [...]
This is the Trumpeter kit of the German Proposal for the Me509, whch was drawn up to succeed the Me309 design moving the engine from the nose to midships (like the Airacobra/Kingcobra family.) and putting the cockpit where the engine had [...]
This is the Dragon Messerschmitt Me262 Recon variant, built OOB and painted with Modelmaster and Xtracolor enamels. The decals are from another Ventura sheet, with both ME262's recon & captured options. This machine served in Northern [...]
This is the Revell boxing of the Hasegawa 1/48 Henschel Hs129B-2 kit, featuring the North African option (Blue O). Built OOB with tape belts and painted with Modelmaster enamels.
The colours are RLM 79/80 over RLM 65 as the plane was an [...]
This is the older Revell Bf109G-10 kit, also done in Italian RSI markings.
It's a very straightforwards kit, with basic detail (no slats and flaps to play with!) and apart from a too-small Prop diameter, a fairly accurate rendition of the [...]