The 1/35 Database at iModeler

1411 articles
  • Items tagged with 1/35
  • 1411 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 4 years, 5 months ago

1/35 scale modeling

Hobby Boss, IDF, Puma in 1/35

Hi guys, Here is my Hobby Boss, IDF, APC Puma in 1/35 + Legend detailing sets. colors and weathering effects by Ammo-Mig, AK and Tamiya. Have a great day ?

Medium Mark A Whippet, Meng 1/35

My first tank. I can't say too much about the Whippet - I'm no expert! It was said to be fast in its era - running at a heady 8.3mph flat out! The power was provided by 2 Tyler JB4 petrol engines (45hp) - the same as those of the [...]

ICM 1/35 Chernobyl firetruck

This is yet another eBay find that I wasn't expecting while looking for something else. I didnt even know the kit existed. I quite enjoyed this build as I usually do military stuff that's green or gray, so something a bit brighter (in [...]

Sherman M4A3 "Easy Eight" 1/35 Ryefield Kit Nr 5028

Hello Everybody. Here is the start of my build of Sherman "Easy Eight" from Ryefield Model. Started with the moveable tracks The main body: Front and rear Cheers, Jamme

1/35 Flying Truck

This is a scratch build inspired by the paintings of concept artist Ian McQue. It’s built from styrene sheet and detailed with kit parts and Evergreen. Finished with Acrylic paint, hairspray chipping and oil paint weathering.

Dragon T-34/85

A little T34 action! I experimented with different weathering effects with this one, mainly working with pigments for mud effects and numerous oil paint weathering techniques applied to get the worn/faded/ground in dirt effect. A few [...]

IDF AMX 13 75

Модель израильской модификации французского танка AMX 13 75.


Израильские модификации полугусеничного БТР М3

Merkava MK.3 BAZ w/Nochri Dalet Mine Roller System

Модель израильского танка Меркава Мк.3 с минным тралом. Дополнительно сделал антислип.


Модель советского быстроходного траншеекопателя БТМ-3М. Фототравление Voyadger вышло уже после окончания сборки. Дополнительно [...]