The 1/32 Database at iModeler

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1/32 scale modeling

Update WIP 3: 1/32 Trumpeter SBD-3 Midway Variant…need to resolve a decal issue.

OK here is my 3rd Installment of the 1/32 SBD-3 Build. I completed the primary camo paint job over the intricate, patchwork, pre-shading. (see 2nd build post: (link)). Bottom color is Vallejo Model Air USAF Light-Gray, Top Camo color is [...]

Hasegawa 1/32 Fw-190D-13 conversion

Of all my Fw-190 models, this is my favorite. The time I got "Yellow 10" right. The Hasegawa Fw-190D-9 is turned into the D-13 with Jerry Rutman's resin conversion set. This was built back in 2004. The “Dora” series of Kurt [...]

Pacific Coast Models Fw-190A-1/2/3/4

1942 could be called “the year of the Wurger.” While only 224 Fw-190As had been accepted by the Luftwaffe by the end of 1941, 1,878 would be produced at three different factories during 1942, the third being the Fieseler plant at [...]

WIP 2nd Update: 1/32 Trumpeter SBD (Color Challenge Resolved)

OK, here is the update to the last 1/32 SBD WIP Post. Thank You everyone for all your support, suggestions, and feedback provided following my last post on this build. I took everyone's ideas to heart and tried some of them. I ran into [...]

Work-In-Progress: 1/32 Trumpeter SBD

Here are some pictures showing some of the assembly steps I took in building this Trumpeter 1/32 SBD Midway Edition. It is currently completely assembled, or at least assembled enough to start the painting process. Most of it is built [...]

Hasegawa (Pro Modeler) Bf-109G-2, Finnish Air Force

During the Winter War of 1939-40, Finland obtained 24 Brewster B-239 fighters, which were the first completely-modern fighters to equip the air force. These were U.S. Navy F2A-1s, and became the first-line fighter after the end of the war [...]

Hasegawa 1/32 Fw-190A-6 “checkernose”

The Fw-190A-6 was the last version of the “mid-range” Fw-190A series. As with the A-2, A-3, A-4 and A-5 sub-types, it had two 7.62mm machine guns mounted in the fuselage, for primary use as “sighting weapons.” Unlike the earlier [...]

Saturday, Dec 6th, 1941…

Hi all, Presenting a recently completed diorama/vignette. The Story (please allow my fictional, artistic license)….A USS Arizona Kingfisher crew out scrounging supplies for the Saturday night party back at the O-Club….Dec 6, 1941. I [...]

Heinkel HE-162A-2 Salamander. 3/JG 1 “Oesau”, pilot: Oblt. Emil Demuth Leck/Holstein, Germany; May 1945

UHU HE-219A2 1:32 Revell kit completed.