The 1/48 Database at iModeler

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1/48 scale modeling

Babylonian Schmitt...1/48 Messerschmitt Bf110D-3 Sonderkommando Junck

After the Yugoslavian Bf110, here´s another one with non-German markings. Cyberhobby/Dragon kit, built it almost two times. The model was already in a progressed state when it had an accident...bought a new kit and my dad started all over [...]

MiG-25PD Revell 1/48 Iraqi AF

Old project with an old kit,not first-rating,but finished at of the bogies at Desert Storm,1991...

1/48 Italeri MiG-23MF Flogger

I wanted to add MiG-23 to my 1/48 collection for a while. Been aiming for Trumpeter but I found Italeri kit for a cheap price. It's not very detailed kit but it gave me much less headache than other Italeri kits I trashed away. Anyway, [...]


After I messed up on the wing constitution, I decided to add some heavy weathering to the plane to try to cover up some of the extensive amount of super glue that I used.

Gloster Meteor F.8 at Försökscentralen

The Försökscentralen (Test & Evaluation squadron) is a lesser known part of the Swedish air force. It tests flying materiel, tactics and equipment. Although it probably got less money in the budge than Pentagon use for paperclips in [...]

1/48 Special Hobby "V-173 Flying Pancake"

Completed in 2020. Though I've started half-a-dozen or so aircraft models over the decades, this is the first one I've ever finished. The kit has some serious faults. Even the plastic it's made of is a problem. (It splits and cracks under [...]

Bored at the "phoney war"? A very special Bf 108 Taifun!

As fascinating as the Bf 108 Taifun is as an aircraft, the motivation to build this model this time clearly came from the paint scheme. As soon as I saw this special Taifun, I knew which of the five marking variants of the Eduard Profipack [...]

Special Hobby 1/48 Martin Model 167F-A.3 (Maryland)

I was recently reading about the hunt for the battleship Bismarck during WW2, and came across an interesting connection between this plane and the final demise of the warship. The Martin Maryland was never used by the USAAF, but was sold [...]

Kinetic 1/48 Sea Harrier FA.2 “SHAR”

This build have been a WIP for nearly 9 months, going back and forth between the workbench and a storagebox. I had an idea to build a superdetailed SHAR with a lots of aftermarket, 3d printed parts and scratchbuilding. But due to poor [...]

A Bf 108 over Africa- and this without the Afrikakorps! D-IBMY on the podium of the 1937 oasis flight

An aircraft as iconic as the Bf 108 is matched by an equally iconic colour scheme: the blue "RLM 24" and the classic forms of Messerschmitt's groundbreaking first all-metal aircraft form a combination that is still memorable [...]