The 1/48 Database at iModeler

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1/48 scale modeling

1/48 Tamiya AD-3 Skyraider

Shelf of doom # 3 complete . 1/48 Tamiya AD-3 Bu.No. 122743 air VMW -121 based at K-3 ( Pohang ) Korea 1951. Started on this almost two years ago. Finally she is completed . Painted with Mr. Paints and Tamiya paints [...]

FIAT G.91 R1 ESCI 1/48

Just getting to posting a weekend build. The first time I saw a picture of a Gina (young enough to be pre-internet, but still old enough to know what "license built" meant), I thought it was a license built Sabre. Now that I have [...]

Su-34 Fullback

Hi again folks, just finished building Mr Putin's flying tank! This is the fairly new Hobbyboss 1/48 scale kit of the strike flanker and the first ever Su-34 in this scale. I waited ages for its release and eventually bought it back in [...]

British 7 ton Armoured Car

Tamiya British 7ton Armoured Car Mk IV 1:48. Painted with Tamiya acrylic, and weathered with a Tamiya weathering set. The figure was painted the basic colours, then a black wash was applied. Markings are in the 1st Polish Armoured Division.

Alpha Jet - a 'Year of the Cat' build

Hey again... Yep two finishes in as many days - definitely NOT the way I usually roll, but no matter. Kinetic 1:48 Alpha Jet with (outstanding) Wingman decals and no other extras whatsoever. Kit does have some 'build issues' most notably [...]

Review: Meng 1/48 F-35A Lightning II review

1/48 Airfix P-40B

Another shelf of doom project finished . I present the awesome little 1/48 Airfix P-40B flown by 2nd Lt. George Welch , 47th Pursuit Squadron ,15th Pursuit Group Wheeler Field , Oahu ,Hawaii December 7th 1941 . Painted with Tamiya and Mr [...]

Eduard Spitfire and Trumpeter Defiant

Here is a double post for you all today. First the Eduard Spitfire VIII, this is simply a superb kit, an utter joy to build and one of my favourite kits so far this year. The same cant be said about the second build, the Trumpeter Defiant, [...]

Roden Albatros D.III

The first post and my first model of the first world war. I had never been encouraged to build such aircraft, Until I discovered the models of Wingnut Wings. But finding these kits from Spain at reasonable prices is complicated and [...]

French Hellcat- 1/48 Hasegawa F6F-5

I have always wanted to build a French Hellcat, and years ago when i was able to get hold of some Model Art decals I set aside a Hasegawa 1/48 F6F-5 for this build. After some research, I noticed that the drop tank on French Hellcats and [...]