1/72 scale modeling
3129 articles
Couple of my fellow club members built 1/48 Hs 129's in N. African desert scheme, and inspired me to pull this old kit out of the stash. I decided to go eastern front winter scheme, after seeing this beauty by fellow iModeler Morne Meyer [...]
Finally finished another of my Phantom builds. I used a set of dry transfers for the stenciling and panel numbers (at least 50 hours of effort - details in the build thread). Don't know that I want to do that again! Added some pilots and [...]
Again this is a new model kit of a Polish manufacturer Arma Hobby, released in May this year (2020). FM-2 kit is the first variant of the F4F's, and more to come - the clear sprue contains fuselage windows not needed for this GM-built [...]
During my USAF career, I had the honor and pleasure to fly the A-10 Wart Hog for twelve years. It was a joy to fly…and to say that shooting the GUN was a thrill is an understatement.
I built this kit for an old fighter pilot friend of [...]
Revell's quite recent kit of the F4U-4 which has some short cuts and emmisions due to being offered as both an F4U-1 and F4U-4. I didn't bother with most of the inaccuracies and built the kit mostly out of the box. The overall shape [...]
I built this from the original Matchbox kit (2 colour) that was issued in the mid 1970's. I don't know if it was ever issued under Revell (it seems not). The decals had the usual residue of the Matchbox decals of the era when applying [...]
My fourth monthly ‘staying-at-home, no-frills, stash-reduction, build and paint’ project--June edition. A nice little kit that was one of Airfix's new generation. Apparently it received mixed reviews because the fuselage is a little [...]
This is Revell boxing of the now quite old Academy Catalina, the amphibian PBY-5A version. Built mostly straight out of the box, with the Revell decals which although a bit thick performed quite well. The roundels on the nose/cockpit sides [...]
Hi There,
I picked this up last year for much cheapness and decided to give it a go over my long weekend. Innis advised me that the Sea Plane version was the one to go for so here it is in all it's amateurish glory.
I found trying to get [...]
Fujimi "Sunday Punchers" Boxing of their wide range of A-6's in 1/72. Straight from the box with kit decals, which weren't the best (as usual with Fujimi) and were very thick and difficult to comform to compound surfaces.