The Academy Database at iModeler

505 articles
  • Items tagged with Academy
  • 505 articles
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  • Last addition 11 years, 7 months ago

Super Cobra

This is the Academy 1/35 AH-1W Super Cobra. Built OOB. Went together fairly easily. The cockpit glass could have fit better, should have posed it open. Even though the pictures don't show it the finish is rather grainy. Can't remember what [...]

Academy 1/72 B-17F

A couple of years ago I'm visiting my brother and sister-in-law and noticed she had displayed a photo of her deceased father and the crew of his B-17F Double Exposure. Bernard Brailer is in the second row, fourth man going from left to [...]

P-38J Flown by Philip Goldstein/Graham 49th FS, 14th FG, Triolo, Italy 1944

Through another friend I found out that Philip Graham lives in San Francisco so I gave him a call. We agreed to meet for lunch and chat about his service. Prior to the lunch I made this model of his airplane so that I could present it to [...]

Academy Polikarpov I-16

This was one of the toughest builds ive had in a long time Nothing I did went right from paint issues to glue problems I almost gave up and sent it across the room but I held in there and got ur done. For such a tiny model HUGE pain the [...]

Academy Oliver Hazard Perry Class guided missle frigate

WOW never seen so much PE before it was a little scary never built a ship and never delt with so much PE but it was a fun build The FFG-57 Rueben James

Academy CH-46 Seaknight (marine bull frog)

If you like helos Academy does a great job built this oob with the exception of scratch built wiring and plumbing inside cargo bay fun build

F/Lt Pierre Clostermann (French Air Force),

Military career Pierre Clostermann 1942 voluntarily entered the force aériennes française libres (free French air force / FAFL was training the fighter squadron Alsace (Squadron No.: 341 Free French) allocated.) Later, he joined the [...]

A brace of sabres

I thought we could get a series of these beauties going,the German one is the Revel kit ,actually a licence built Canadaire CL130 (correct me if I'm wrong) and the other is the Academy offering,I also have a Tamiya Mig 15 which splits to [...]

Today’s Stuff

Here some photos taken today in 25th Plastic Model Aircraft Contest organised by Turkish Air Force Academy in Istanbul. Happy modelling. Ozkan

Academy 1/48 Mig-21MF Polish Air Force

I am trying to build several from Polish Air Force and this is the first...Academy Mig-21. Built straight from the box except old ESCI decals. This kit goes together real well, might have a few fit problems bot not many. I forgot though [...]