The Academy Database at iModeler

505 articles
  • Items tagged with Academy
  • 505 articles
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  • Last addition 3 weeks, 3 days ago

Air Guard F-16C

This is the Academy 1/48 scale F-16A/C kit. It’s not as detailed as many of the newer F-16 kits that are available , but it isn’t a terrible kit. I’ve had some Super Scale decals for Air National Guard & Reserve F-16s for [...]

1/144 Academy Ah-64D Longbow Apache

Not much story to tell...just another idea I had to pursue

1/48 Academy A-10CFlying Tigers with Lights.

This commission build is Academy’s 1/48 A-10C “75th FS Flying Tigers” kit. The scheme is how this aircraft looked in 2014. I added Eduard photo etch detail set, Master Model brass gun, Ares resin ejection seat, and I used eight [...]

PBY-5A Catalina RAAF Academy 1/72

(link) Catalina is one of my favorite naval aircraft. I remember in the early nineties when it was in the shop window, painted black, and I could only dream of buying it. So after thirty years I am going back to my dreams. Almost a year [...]

Academy 1/48 Mig 21FM India Air Force

Although not accurate in outlines, Academy's Mig 21 still makes and attractive looking model given the variety of colorful camouflage schemes that the aircraft adorned in Air Force units throughout the world.

1/72 Academy A-10A "Operation Iraqi Freedom"

This commission build used the Academy 1/72 A-10A "Operation Iraqi Freedom" of the 75th fighter squadron in 2003. For this build I used Model Master's brass gun set. All other details were from the kit or scratch built. The [...]

Academy 1/48 Beechcraft V35A Bonanza

The successful Beechcraft Bonanza manufactured since the late 40s found its way to Israel during the Independence War. A South African volunteer that became one of the founders of the young Israeli Air Force flew his Bonanza across Africa [...]

Academy 1/48 A-10C Warthog

The best model I have built from Academy's original tooling. The model is complex and highly detailed. Surface texture is excellent. Panel lines are recessed and raised. The fit of parts is very good. Nose area components are un [...]

Academy 1/72 Merkava Mk.III

This is a crisp 2024 release Academy armor kit. It has very good fit and nice detail for a small scale kit. I built it OOB with the exception of the tactical marking sheets on the rear of the turret and the canvas covers for the aft [...]

Head-to-Head Broncos, Academy & ICM

I tried another head-to-head comparison build of a vintage and a recent new tool kit; this time 1/72 scale OV-10A kits. I built the venerable Academy kit originally issued in 1999 and the 2023 ICM kit. The OV-10 is a distinctive iconic [...]