The Bf 109 Database at iModeler

480 articles
  • Items tagged with Bf 109
  • 480 articles
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  • Last addition 8 years, 6 months ago

Messerschmitt Bf 109

1/48 Eduard Bf109 G-2 White 4 flown by Oberleutnant Theodor Weissenberger, Staffelkapitan 7./JG5, July 1943.

1/48 Eduard Bf109 G-2 White 4 flown by Oberleutnant Theodor Weissenberger, Staffelkapitan 7./JG5, July 1943.

1/48 Hasegawa Bf 109G-6, W.Nr. 165267, 1/HleLv 34, Taipalsaari airfield, July, 1944

Eino Luukkanen was in the cockpit of this airplane while achieving his 56th confirmed victory. He downed a Soviet Yak-9 fighter flown by Lt. G. F. Nizhnik on August 5, 1944 over Narva Bay. This Yak was the only aircraft downed by the guns [...]

1/48 Hasegawa Bf109 G-6/R6, Yellow 1, 3/JG300, flown by Lt.Manfred Dieterle, Bonn-Hangelar, Germany 1944, Luftwaffe.

1/48 Hasegawa Bf109 G-6/R6, Yellow 1, 3/JG300, flown by Lt.Manfred Dieterle, Bonn-Hangelar, Germany 1944, Luftwaffe.

1/32 Eduard Bf109 E-4 “Yellow 10“, W.Nr. 5587, Ofw. Fritz Beeck, 6./JG 51, Wissant, France – 24 August 1940.

1/32 Eduard Bf109 E-4 “Yellow 10“, W.Nr. 5587, Ofw. Fritz Beeck, 6./JG 51, Wissant, France – 24 August 1940.

1/48 Eduard Bf109 E-3 Oblt. Josef Priller, Staffelkapitän 6./JG 51, France, Autumn 1940

Yellow ‘1’, W.Nr. 5057, was flown by the commander of 6. Staffel JG 51, Josef Priller, and underwent several camouflage color modifications through its career. According to some sources, the initial scheme was composed of RLM 70/71/65. [...]

1/48 Tamiya Bf109 E-4, Maj. Helmut Wick, Geschwaderkommodore JG 2, Beaumont, France – Nov 1940

The appearance of this aircraft comes from a period in time when it was flown by Maj. Helmut Wick, and after many modifications to the camouflage scheme and tactical markings. The changes mirrored not only Wick’s ascension through the [...]

Battle of Britain BF 109E

1/48 Airfix kit which was built OOB with aftermarket decals. The aircraft depicted is from JG 26 based at Caifiers France August 1940. Flown by Staffelkapitain Gerhard Schophel, who claimed a number of victories during BoB including 4 in [...]

1/48 Hasegawa Bf 109G-2 trop

1/48 Hasegawa Bf 109G-2 trop, Flown by Oblt. Werner Schroer, CO of 8./JG 27, Rhodes, early November, 1942 Werner Schroer achieved 61 kills in the skies over Africa., the first of which was a Hurricane downed on April 19, 1941 over Tobruk, [...]


Yesterday was a fair Autumn day at home, posing a good occasion to rig up an outdoor studio for model shooting. Not least to photograph my recently finished 1/48 scale Tamiya Dewoitine D.520 on which I'd been working for the larger part of [...]

1/48 Eduard Bf 109G-14, W.Nr. 464534, 19./EJG 2, Pilsen airfield, May, 1945

This Bf 109G-14 was one of the aircraft captured after the war at Pilsen (Plzen), Czechoslovakia. The Luftwaffe unit that flew this aircraft is unclear. The previous markings are still visible under the more recent ones and the KG 55 badge [...]