The D.III Database at iModeler

17 articles
  • Items tagged with D.III
  • 17 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 4 years, 12 months ago

Albatros D III Eduard 1:48

This is a test to simulate wood. I bought an Albatros D V from Wingnut Wings and I'm practicing.

Albatros D.III OEF

Ola As promised, the last one to leave the hangar for this year, an Eduard Albatros D.III in 1:48 My first stringbag to date, had some struggles but not too bad as such. The pics are...bad 🙂 But I CBA to do them better at this point, so [...]

Wingnut Wings Pfalz D.IIIa.

This is my 1/32 Pfalz D.IIIa by Wingnut Wings with Aviattic lozenges and GasPatch turnbuckles.

Roden Albatros D.III

The first post and my first model of the first world war. I had never been encouraged to build such aircraft, Until I discovered the models of Wingnut Wings. But finding these kits from Spain at reasonable prices is complicated and [...]

Albatros Oeffag D.III Egg Plane

Hello! My new project is in the style of an EggPlan. Enjoyable and fun viewing! Sincerely, Vlad.

1/72 Roden Pfalz D.III Silver Stag

This isn't a recent build and I've never posted the photos, due to the incorrect lower wing. The kit part was poorly cast, (odd for Roden), so I just built it anyway with the extra wing, for the rigging practice. My a fore mentioned method [...]

1/32 Pfalz D.IIIa

This is my recently completed Wingnut Wings Pfalz D.IIIa. I finished it straight from the box, only adding rigging from .007 stainless steel wire. It was painted with Tamiya lacquer and Humbrol enamel paints. I included a couple of [...]