The Dr. I Database at iModeler

28 articles
  • Items tagged with Dr. I
  • 28 articles
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  • Last addition 6 years, 5 months ago

Manfred’s and Lothar’s Dr.1’s

The brother's Richthofen together again! Well, at least on my work table. Hey Fellow iModelers! Gary from Williamsport, PA.. I had to take time out from watching the Little League World Series to present these Dr.1's I completed last [...]

Oberleutnant Lothar-Siegfried Freiherr von Richthofen

In memory to the Fighters Pilots, Manfred and Lothar Freiherr von Richthofen. Jasta 11, Westfront 1918. Kit: Revell 1:28 Best regards Hans Peter

100 years ago todayApril 21, 1918

There is likely no fighter airplane better known in the world than that flown by “The Bloody Red Baron of Germany,” as the song “Snoopy and the Red Baron” has it. People who know nothing about airplanes know the all-red Fokker [...]

Video: Red Baron’s famous triplane “Fokker Dr. I”: 750 pieces in motion…

How-to article on applying WW1 "Fokker" Streaky Camouflage, or “Fokker Streaking” 101

A lot of us have a few World War 1 Fokker planes in our stash. Some of us have been thinking about just how to replicate the often seen Fokker finish... Here's how I did it... and it's not all that hard once you break it down. The [...]

1/28 Revell Fokker Dr-1 Triplane, Prototype “F-103” as flown by Werner Voss, September 23rd, 1917

Well it's done... Finally. My original intent was to have the build completed and an article posted here on the Imodeler website by September 23rd, 2017. But Mother Nature with Hurricane Irma, and a few other bumps in life's road [...]

Revell 1/28 Scale Fokker Triplane

Back in the mid 1960s, I developed an interest in Voss and the Triplane that he flew until his death in September 1917. This was probably when Revell brought out their series of WW1 scouts in this unusual scale, so I tried to make Voss' [...]

1/48 Scale Dragon Fokker Dr.1

My oldest son bought this kit in the mid 90's and never built it, so I built it as a gift to him. Dragon 1/48 Fokker Dr. 1, OOB. LT. Josef Jacobs, Jasta 7, 1918, 48 kills. Pour le Merit. Tamiya paints. The first time i've used PE [...]

Skeletal Fokker

I've always had a phobia about photo-etched parts. Paint won't stick to them, they fly off into oblivion when picked up with tweezers, they bend where they shouldn't and you can't sand them to shape; it's a pretty unforgiving medium. I [...]

Revell 1/28 Fokker Dr.1

I've always loved these big planes by Revell. This is probably the fifth triplane I've built since the sixties. Details include etched brass from Tom's Modelworks, decals by Americal Gryphon (crosses only, the rest was painted [...]