The Dragon Database at iModeler

316 articles
  • Items tagged with Dragon
  • 316 articles
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  • Last addition 2 years, 8 months ago

Dragon (also known as DML) range of scale model kits

Ba349A: 1/48 Natter w/Launch Tower, by Dragon Models

The brilliance and desperation of the Germans towards the end of WWII is evident in this kit. The Natter was a desperation weapon, that never made it into combat, and only 10 flew at all with a live pilot in it. The kit is Dragons [...]

Battle for France, 1/35 Dragon StuG III Ausf A

This is Dragon's StuG III Ausf A in 1/35, finished as a participant in the Blitzkrieg across France. Quite nice older kit, with some detail enhancements such as tow cables from fine solder, chains, and smoke dischargers [...]

1/32 Dragon / AIMS Messerschmitt Bf 110F-2

This is 1/32 Dragon Bf 110F-2 with the markings of St.G 77 (S2-DA with Totenhand emblem) Kolinowka Poland in 1943. I have used AIMS Bf 110F conversion set. Cockpit modified with Eduard instrument panel and seat belts. (Note the [...]

An "arrow" that was no longer shot: Do-335B-4 reconnaissance aircraft

Fighter, fighter-bomber, reconnaissance plane, night fighter, high-altitude reconnaissance plane, "destroyer": since the beginning of 1943, truly far-reaching plans were being pursued with the Do-335 "Arrow"! With [...]

Providing a Road Map for 1/700 Essex Class Modernization1/700 USS Hornet (CV/CVS-12) Double Build

I had so much fun with my last Essex-class double build of a 1945 and 1968 USS Bon Homme Richard (CV/CVA-31) that decided to try it again, this time focusing on a better way to convert a model of a straight-deck WW II Essex into a postwar [...]

Forest Hunter Jagdtiger Ostfront Dragon 1/35

Just a try to hide it in an eastern forest...hope you like it... Overview: Details: Tks for visiting!

Dragon 1/72 Mistel 5

Hi everyone! This is my Dragon 1/72 Mistel 5, yet another entry to our friend's Paul Barber @yellow10 "First and Last" mini group. The Mistel 5 project was one of the last glide bomb developments submitted to the RLM before the [...]

The tough cows

Another whimsical idea based on past experience with Fresian Holstien cattle...not while I was in a tank but on tractors and in farm trucks mostly. They are curious animals, they're also large and quite strong therefore difficult to move [...]

1/700 USS Randolph (CV-15)August 1945

My latest project is one that I have had in mind for a long time. When I was about 10 years old, and just starting to get interested in World War II and aircraft carriers, one of the first books I had access to was Barrett Gallagher’s [...]

Video: Ta 152H-1 Trimaster/Dragon 1/48 Scale Model Aircraft