Dragon (also known as DML) range of scale model kits
316 articles
The brilliance and desperation of the Germans towards the end of WWII is evident in this kit. The Natter was a desperation weapon, that never made it into combat, and only 10 flew at all with a live pilot in it.
The kit is Dragons [...]
This is Dragon's StuG III Ausf A in 1/35, finished as a participant in the Blitzkrieg across France.
Quite nice older kit, with some detail enhancements such as tow cables from fine solder, chains, and smoke dischargers [...]
This is 1/32 Dragon Bf 110F-2 with the markings of St.G 77 (S2-DA with Totenhand emblem) Kolinowka Poland in 1943.
I have used AIMS Bf 110F conversion set.
Cockpit modified with Eduard instrument panel and seat belts. (Note the [...]
Fighter, fighter-bomber, reconnaissance plane, night fighter, high-altitude reconnaissance plane, "destroyer": since the beginning of 1943, truly far-reaching plans were being pursued with the Do-335 "Arrow"! With [...]
I had so much fun with my last Essex-class double build of a 1945 and 1968 USS Bon Homme Richard (CV/CVA-31) that decided to try it again, this time focusing on a better way to convert a model of a straight-deck WW II Essex into a postwar [...]
Just a try to hide it in an eastern forest...hope you like it...
Tks for visiting!
Hi everyone!
This is my Dragon 1/72 Mistel 5, yet another entry to our friend's Paul Barber @yellow10 "First and Last" mini group.
The Mistel 5 project was one of the last glide bomb developments submitted to the RLM before the [...]
Another whimsical idea based on past experience with Fresian Holstien cattle...not while I was in a tank but on tractors and in farm trucks mostly. They are curious animals, they're also large and quite strong therefore difficult to move [...]
My latest project is one that I have had in mind for a long time.
When I was about 10 years old, and just starting to get interested in World War II and aircraft carriers, one of the first books I had access to was Barrett Gallagher’s [...]