The Dragon Database at iModeler

322 articles
  • Items tagged with Dragon
  • 322 articles
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  • Last addition 2 years, 2 months ago

Dragon (also known as DML) range of scale model kits

1/35 PzKpfw Nb.Fz Panzerkampfwagen Neubaufahrzeug

Tha German Panzerkampfwagen Neubaufahrzeug (new construction vehicle) was used mainly for propaganda purposes back in 1935. Of the five tanks produced, three arrived to Norway in 1940 to support the ground forces. Only one made it to the [...]

1/48th Focke wulf 190D-9

The counterpart of the British Tempest not only in performance, but also with a resolute stance which is well retained in the 1/48th model. Yet, maximum effect is achieved if the radiator flaps are in the open position. I present here four [...]

The First and the Last: Junkers F.13 & Mistel 5

The eerie hissing sound of the three jet engines shattered the night's peace. No time to waste, every pound of fuel was precious. Taxiing the clunky looking but really solid Mistel, many controversial thoughts kept on crossing his mind. [...]

1/48 Heinkel He-162A Volksjaeger

In its brief operational role, the small fighter made a lasting impression thanks to its revolutionary design. Of the four models presented here, one is Tamiya's and the rest are Dragon kits. Both are very good kits. Yet, I had to replace [...]

Dragon 1/35 Sd.Kfz.10/4 & 5

A little gem from Dragon.

Scharnhorst, 1943, Part 2 Dragon Smart Kit,

Dragon's 1943 1/350 KMS Scharnhorst continues to be a real pleasure to work on. I am well into the build now and things are beginning to come together. this submission features a mid build photo shoot so the painting is rough in places [...]

Scharnhorst, 1943, Dragon Smart Kit

This submission is a mid-build evaluation of Dragon's 1/350 Scharnhorst 1943 [Smart Kit]. Many others have submitted comprehensive and helpful reviews on this kit and its predecessor, Scharnhorst 1940. This is a nit-picky submission, and [...]

Bf110E Nightfighter (Dragon 1/32 scale)

This is Cyberhobby/Dragon's superb Bf110E kit, finished as flown by Lt Heinz Wolfgang Schnaufer in 1943. The kit is detailed, care is required with the nacelles in particular...and the instructions are awful!

Video: Jagdpanzer IV l/48 with Zimmerit - 1/72 - DragonTank Model

Herr General !!!

Ciao everybody, here some pics about an old diorama that I made 5 years ago. The veichle is Tamiya as the motorbike. The soldiers came from different brand as Tamiya, Masterbox and Dragon, The idea and the base of the dio was made by my [...]