The F-100 Database at iModeler

28 articles
  • Items tagged with F-100
  • 28 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 10 years, 2 months ago

North American F-100 Super Sabre

1/48 Trumpeter F-100C TuAF Expanded Version

This is 1/48 Trumpeter F-100C finished with Turkish Air Force markings Built process existing in work on progress section . Trumpeter kit needs correction on the nose.So I used AMS resin set to correct the shape of the nose. Cockpit [...]

TuAF F-100C

TuAF F-100C has landed. You can see the building process from Work in progress section. (link)

F-100F Super Sabre in NMF, Italeri 1/72

This F-100F Super Sabre from Italeri was originaly mentioned to be built as just-for-fun kit. I wanted to test new Alclad II colors, which I never used before. I also wanted to build airplane with NMF. Therefore I bought this one in second [...]

Scratch built (wood) F-100 in 1/32-scale

This Super Sabre was built as a commission for a client in Australia. It is covered with various types of aluminum skin as per the the real aircraft. It was built well before the currently plastic offering was released. It features a full [...]

Trumpeter 1/32 F-100D Super Sabre

North American first began thinking about making a supersonic fighter in 1948. There were two ways to go at the time: a very big fighter powered by a very big engine, or Something Else, something only dimly seen at the time. Being at [...]

1/32 F-100D Super Sabre – Trumpeter

Thud was one of the most effective aircraft of Turkish Air Force for 30 years . I built this model to the memory of Capt. Cengiz Topel who shot down in this aircraft and killed after bailed out over Cyprus in 8th August 1964. This [...]

Building The “Double Hun” in 48th scale.

It has been 30 years or so since I built the Monogram F-100D “Super Sabre”, one of my favorite airplanes and one of my favorite models. I still have it in the display case after all these years. Several years ago I got a hold of a [...]

1/32 F-100D

Built out of the box (before all the resin was out). I stretched the wing tanks to the proper size and added napalm from a Trumpeter 1/32F-105. Thanks, Rob