The F-105 Database at iModeler

27 articles
  • Items tagged with F-105
  • 27 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 5 years, 5 months ago

Republic F-105 Thunderchief

F-105B Thunderchief, New Jersey Air National Guard 1965, Hasegawa 1/72.

Another moldy oldie, Originally I wanted to use the kit decals of 4th TFW, but they were mostly unusable. I decided to do an early NJANG pre SEA scheme. Besides spare decals I also used home made decals for the tail number for aircraft [...]

One more of each

Recent stash additions.Another Phantom another Thud, I'll probably do the as a F-4B, in an early scheme. The F-105B [yes their really is a B in it] I'm going to try the kit decals , they look to be ok. Cheers.

F-105D Marineflieger, 1/72 Hasegawa

What if the West Germans back in the day replaced their F-84's with the Thud instead of the F-104? Less fatalities, maybe, I don't know. I got this off the net, there was supposed to be a 'B'[ shorter nose] in the box but it turned out to [...]

Trumpeter 1/72 F-105G “Wild Weasel”

Here's my latest finished build. The build went together quite well, with the exception of the rear part of the fuselage that caused a lot of extra work... It was painted with Gunze Aqueous acrylic paints and the weathering was done with [...]

F-105F Thunderchief ,1/72 Monogram

Inspired by Greg Kittinger's father's photos, I decided to build an F-105F, using Monograms 1/72 kit. I tried to replicate the markings in Mr. Kittinger's images the best that I could, including the buzz number on the wing tanks, of which [...]

F-105 Thunderchief (Thud) – 1/1

From October 1963 to September 1965 we were stationed at Seymour Johnson AFB in N. Carolina. Dad flew the B, D and F models of the Thunderchief, as part of the 334th Tactical Fighter Squadron. A TDY assignment took the unit and it's Thuds [...]

F105 1/48 hobbyboss

Great kit oob. Painted with ak interactive usaf tac sea paint set weathered with ak products and artists oils. This was a really slow build it took me around 1.5 months to compleate maybe im starting to slow down ( can you belive it David [...]

F-105 G Wild Weasel 1/48 Hobbyboss

Hello colleagues! I will briefly summarize some of the steps taken while my building scale 1: 48-F-105 G from HobbyBoss. Landing gear bays and ejection seat are Aires, while surface treatment was done using acrylic color models Vallejo [...]

Republic F 105 D Thunderchief

This is the classic Monogram Thud in 1/48 scale. The model depicts the Thud flown by Capt. Peter Foley on 13 March 1968. This Thud belonged to the 469th Tactical Fighter Squadron of the 388th Tactical Fighter Wing. The 469th "Fighting [...]

1/48 Revell / Monogram F105G of Le Bourget

I've waited twenty years for a better F105G than the Revell/Monogram offering. With each new release came only disappointment. Trumpeter and Hobby Boss kits still have R/M's pointy nose. Added to that those kits have deep panel lines and [...]