The F6F Database at iModeler

150 articles
  • Items tagged with F6F
  • 150 articles
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  • Last addition 6 years, 8 months ago

Grumman F6F Hellcat


Hi all I had this very old Heller kit sitting in my stash for over 30 years. Due it's age it was not engraved panel lines, so I decided to use it as a practice for my first ever try to engrave panel lines in a kit. It was not perfect but [...]

F6F Hellcat Diorama (1/48)"Anatomy of a cat"

Hello everybody, this is my first submission to iModeler, and I hope you like it. This tiny virtual museum diorama features Jasmine's awesome "skeleton" Hellcat. I've added an Eduard R-2800 engine - which is quite challenging - [...]

Year of the Cat

This is an out of the box Eduard kit of the F6F-3. This is a very nice kit with the exceptions of the decals. I had a problem with some of them wandering and warping all over the place. I managed to save the significant decals for this [...]

1/48 Hasegawa “Year of the Cat” F6F-3K Drone

Hello again all. This is the last of the four Hellcats I was building at the same time for the "Year of the Cat" Group Build. I finished this one up a few nights ago, and photographed it last night. I wanted to build some [...]

1/48 Hasegawa “Year of the Cat” F6F-5K Hellcat “Target Tow / Drone “

Here she is in all her glory... hot off the work bench. This one was built as one of four F6F Hellcats that I was building at the same time in our "Year of the Cat" Group Build. I wanted to build something different, so I chose [...]

Hasegawa 1/48 “Year of the Cat” F6F-5 Hellcat, the first U.S. Navy Blue Angels plane

Tonight's presentation is hot of the work bench. It is the second completed build for this year, (but most of the work was done last year...). I have been building a set of four Hasegawa F6F Hellcats as part of our current "Year of [...]

Hasegawa 1/48 “Year of the Cat” NAS Daytona Beach F6F-3 Hellcat “Flight 138” 1945

Well the New Year is off to a great start... I just finished up the first model for this Year. Granted, most of the work was done last year, so it only needed some little things completed to make it whole. One down and three more [...]

Eduard’s 1/48 FAA Hellcat Mk.II

Eduard's Weekend Edition Grumman Hellcat Mk.II finished in the markings of No.1844 Squadron FAA, based on the aircraft carrier HMS Indomitable stationed off Okinawa around April 1945 & piloted by Sub Lt. W.M.C. Foster. Completed back [...]

French Hellcat- 1/48 Hasegawa F6F-5

I have always wanted to build a French Hellcat, and years ago when i was able to get hold of some Model Art decals I set aside a Hasegawa 1/48 F6F-5 for this build. After some research, I noticed that the drop tank on French Hellcats and [...]

1/48 Hasegawa F6F-3 Hellcat, The Great Mariana’s “Turkey Shoot” Lt. Arthur “Payne” Whiteway, VF-16 “Fighting Airedales” USS Lexington

Today and tomorrow marks the 73rd Anniversary of the Mariana's "Turkey Shoot", which happened on June 19th and 20th, 1944. It is sometimes called the battle of the Philippine Sea, where the Japanese lost an estimated 550 - 645 [...]