The Hasegawa Database at iModeler

1422 articles
  • Items tagged with Hasegawa
  • 1422 articles
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  • Last addition 9 years ago

Hasegawa model kits

Morser Karl

Hello and Happy New Year!))) My first model this year, the great and terrible))). Collected out of the box, then there is no intervention. All pleasant viewing!

2016 Ambition-In with the New Finish the Old!

As the new year begins today, I want to be a little ambitious and start some new projects, complete older ones that have been on the back burner too long. 2015 I was able to whittle some of those older projects and finally complete them. [...]

1/32 Hasegawa Bf-109-G14

Hasegawa's 1/32 Bf-109-G14 built OOB

1:72 Zero's (Pearl Harbour)

Three Zero's representing Zero's from three of the six Japanese carriers at the Pearl Harbour attack (please don't ask me which carriers). Made up from two Hasegawa and one Airfix but mainly using the Hasegawa decals, all painted with [...]

1/32 Hasegawa P-47D

Out of the box except for lead foil belts. Tamiya and Alclad paints.

1/48 Hasegawa FGR.2 Phantom

Here is my 1/48 Hasegawa FGR.2 Phantom. I obtained it from another modeller as a "partial build" kit- I think only the wings were asembled- it was so long ago, i forget! I bought some Seamless S****r resin intakes for it (UK Spey [...]

1/48 Hasegawa F-18F

Finished this one last year, I added a lot of resin bits to it and the decals are from Syhart Decals.

Hasegawa 1/48 F-86A Sabre

I did this Sabre back in 2003 and recently re-photographed it. The Sabre almost didn't happen. Had the Air Force not been willing to delay the F-86 program while North American undertook to study the swept wing research done by [...]

1/72 Bf 109 G-6, Me 262 A-1A, Fw 190 D-9

For something different, I thought I'd post a collection of German fighters I built quite a few years ago. These were all built before I did anything other than just finishing them out of the box, slapping on some paint, and putting on a [...]

Hasegawa 1/32 Focke-Wulf FW-190A-8, Hans Dortenmann

1/32 Hasegawa Focke-Wulf FW-190A-8 built OOB, except for an Eduard PE seat harness. AK Interactive acrylic paints, except for the RLM 74-it was a bit light, so I used Gunze-Sangyo. The base is from Zoukie-Mura. Weathered with oils. I [...]