Hasegawa model kits
1422 articles
Dear Mates,
here my recent finished build, a Harrier Gr.7 from Eduards Ltd. Edition.
I have to say that this kit was my personally nightmare, I had a lot of troubles with it (was not always the fault of the kit ;))
But at the end the [...]
P-47D-26-RA, Lt. James R. Hopkins, 509th FS, 405th FG, 9th AF, Ophoven, Belgium, March 1945
HGW - belt
Master - barrels
Paint - MR Paint, Tamiya
It's been a little while since I have posted any of my builds here. I've been really busy with moderating the Midway Group build, while trying to get a few more planes built before the 75th Anniversary of Midway in June.
Here's a little [...]
This is 1/32 Hasegawa P-47D30 finished with the markings of Maj.Glenn T Eagleston from 353rd FS in France late 1944.
I have decided to modify cockpit area by using Aires set and Eduard instrument panel . Cockpit parts painted to Dark [...]
Hello everybody, here is my try at Hasegawa P-51C. Built almost OOB, with addition of Quickboost exhausts. Painted with Gunze Aluminium and Red, wash is Tamiya, and exhaust stains and dirt a combination of Tamiya smoke and Tamiya D [...]
Well, good people keep trying to drag me from the dark side to the light... and I always resist. Except for this time- A good kop (whose favorite A/C is the P-40) dared/cajoled me into doing a Kittyhawk. Credit for inspiration also goes [...]
My old model
Fw-190D9 JV44 1/32 Hasegawa
Paint Model Master
Another silly take on what could have happened...
This was an experiment in flaking paint as well as another captured trials aircraft.
Just some fun stuff with Hasegawa's old X-29 kit. No one can say this is the wrong colour eh?
'Ave a larf why don't you...?
Cheers guys!
As found at the end of WWII by US forces during the occupation of Japan.
Paint was well chipped & faded!