The Jug Database at iModeler

7 articles
  • Items tagged with Jug
  • 7 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 3 months ago

P-47M-1RE MiniArt

Finally finished up the MiniArt P-47D-30 as a P-47M-1RE of the 56th Fighter Group aka Zemke's Wolfpack. Thanks Louis@lgardner for the Tamiya decals. Raided my Tamiya bubbletop Jug for the M prop. Used a Quickboost resin C series R-2800 [...]

P-47D Thunderbolt; 61FS 56FG

P-47 was an American fighter produced by the republic from 1941 until 1945. Equipped with 8 0.50cal machine guns and several weapons pylons it could weigh up to 8 tons, making it one of the heaviest WW2 fighters. Designed around an [...]

Review: 1/48 scale MiniArt P-47D-30RE Thunderbolt "basic" # 48023 Kit Review

This is a model that I knew I had to get my hands on once it was available. Lo and behold, it was offered for "Presale" at Squadron a month or so ago... Just when I spent too much on other kits for Christmas and I thought my [...]

Premium Hobbies 1/72 P-47D

Having seen these at Amazon for $15 I decided to try one. Did not know what to expect but what it turned out to be was an Academy rebox. Sure seems to be alot of that gong around these days. No mousetraps, above average detail, great [...]

Hobbyboss 1/48th P47d 'Thunderjug' - Mission complete - The buildFrom start to finish!

The Hobbyboss P47d Thunderbolt Build - Start to finish! (link) - Kit review (link) - Build Pt. 1 (link) - Build Pt. 2 (link) - Build Pt. 3 (link) - Build Finale It would be nice to see a few of you there!

Republic P-47D ThunderboltMonogram 1/48

I've finally completed this kit after a long period of in-process limbo. But first I must briefly explain how this kit came to be on my work bench in the first place. It all started when I purchased a second-hand Hasegawa P-47D, mainly due [...]

Former Brazilian Jug

Before Spitfirepalooza, there was “I Like Jugs.” My 1/72 Spitfire collection is a bit larger than my P-47 one but, my 1/48 P-47 collection wins (for now, those Eduard overtrees I just bought will turn the tide when done). This is [...]