The kursk Database at iModeler

4 articles
  • Items tagged with kursk
  • 4 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 2 years, 1 month ago

Stalinetz Soviet Tractor and ML-20 Howitzer near Kursk 1943, 1:35

I had this build in mind for a while and both kits were in my stash since last year. Although the current worldly events made me doubt initially whether a Soviet build was appropriate, I did go ahead with it nevertheless. After all, it's [...]

Explosion of the Kursk submarine in Epoxy Resin and LED - ZvezdaZ9007 -1:350 scale

Hi everybody, Just wanted to share my project of recreating the explosion of the Kursk Russian submarine that occurred on 12 August 2000 in the Barents Sea (see (link) for more info). It took me many hours and two trials to finalize it, [...]

1/35th Panther Ausf A - Kursk

not my greatest ever build. paint scheme ruined a bit by the over zealous use of a bleaching filter which drained the colour out of it. Shame really, i enjoyed building it up until that. This is the much maligned, but very enjoyable [...]

Kursk in the Arctic ice

Hello everyone. A little experiment which turned out quite eye catching. I used the Zvezda 1/350 kit.