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Explosion of the Kursk submarine in Epoxy Resin and LED - ZvezdaZ9007 -1:350 scale

November 18, 2021 · in Diorama · · 25 · 3.1K

Hi everybody,

Just wanted to share my project of recreating the explosion of the Russian that occurred on 12 August 2000 in the Barents Sea (see for more info).
It took me many hours and two trials to finalize it, first trial was a complete disaster because I poured too much Epoxy at once, second trial worked perfectly !

Hope you enjoy.

Reader reactions:
17  Awesome

10 additional images. Click to enlarge.

25 responses

  1. Cool!
    add some surface texture all the way to the edge

    You should be suitably proud!
    I didn't see a light fixture/component- how does that work?

    • Hi, I used plastic test tube bought from amazon to keep a resin-free area inside the blast/explosion, taped it to the plexiglass mold so when resin is hardened you can place an LED strip inside. Pictures attached

      3 attached images. Click to enlarge.

  3. Very well done ! Keep up the good work.

  4. Amazing stuff FrenchModeler!
    A wonderful result!
    Welcome aboard!

  5. Really wonderful build, Eric @ericcholet
    (I assume your first name is Eric based on the @-name)
    The explosion looks great, as well as the water surface reacting to the blast.
    And welcome to this community.

  6. Great looking diorama! It is a bit eerie for me, remembering very well the incident. I was in the army at that time and me like all the recruits were very much affected by this, knowing the sailors were probably the same age. We were given updates daily, which of course did not make it any better.

  7. Great modeling work! ?

  8. Fantastic! First class effort.

  9. Please remember everyone that men lost their lives in this. I’m American but these men had families that loved them.

  10. That is really ingenious, and the result is superb.

    @angus64 - I don't see that anyone has been disrespectful of the event. But thanks for your concern.

  11. An amazing build!

  12. That is truly amazing. Welcome.

  13. Well executed

    1 attached image. Click to enlarge.

  14. Wow! Impressive build! Looks terrific!

  15. This is an amazing build, very realistic and makes me not want to be inside this submarine. Beautiful work!

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