The LEDs Database at iModeler

4 articles
  • Items tagged with LEDs
  • 4 articles
  • Publicly visible
  • Last addition 3 weeks, 1 day ago

Maschinen Krieger - MK44 AmmoknightKing of Hearts

This is my first Maschinen Krieger kit. It's a really fun kit, nothing too complex. The overall creation of the joints and poseability feels very similar to a Bandai Gundam kit. Adding the LEDs did complicate things a bit, but it seemed [...]

Decima and the Incarnate Slaughter!a Warhammer 40K diorama

The Chaos Knights Army set was purchased a while back by a friend who wanted a diorama built for his display case. As the box sat on my shelf waiting... there were multiple concepts. I've built knights before, the box art didn't really [...]

Ford GT - Tamiya 1/24 with Photoetch and LEDs

I purchased this kit and the photoetch for it about a year ago. I had a bunch of other projects I was doing for friends that took precedence for quite a while. I was also stalling as I was a bit intimidated by the PE. Elements of the PE [...]

Ork Warboss

I recently completed this project for my Youtube channel. The model kit was purchased as a downloadable .stl file from I printed it at 200% to allow me to add LEDs to both the weapon and the power box on the back of the [...]